Chapter 1155

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"You How dare you... " The four arm barbarian can clearly want to cry out that you dare to kick my face, but he has not had time to shout out, and a Tathagata God awn has been mercilessly pierced into his mind, "ah!" Although the divine consciousness of the four armed barbarians was more powerful than Weisuo, he could not bear the impact of the Tathagata's divine awn, and suddenly a roar turned into a scream.

"When!" The sound of a bang, and is a foot, hard kick in his face.


At the same time, Weisuo reaches out a little and excites Yuhuang's remnant jade with the black divine pattern. A black mask of divine pattern traps the big energy of the four armed barbarian clan flying backward into it.

As soon as the black divine stripe light mask came out, a look of panic appeared in the eyes of the four armed barbarians for the first time, but in the next moment, the panic all turned into a kind of extremely ferocious ferocity.

"No! He will ignore the trigger ban and play a strong power! The three of you will defend yourself at once

As soon as this extremely ferocious ferocity was revealed, weisoton felt it, startled, and stopped abruptly. Dengxian Dharma domain and Heitan Magic Lotus immediately appeared, and at the same time, he gave a cry to Wang Wuyi and other three people.

After all, the barbarians are barbarians. Just from Linglong Tian's mouth, Weisuo knew that every one of them was a natural God of war in ancient times. In this case, the barbarian's power had been completely aroused. At the moment, his eyes were very frightening and extremely crazy. It seemed that all the people wanted to kill in front of him, and the gods also wanted to kill them.


Weisuo's voice had just just begun to ring, and a suffocating indigo light had swept out from the front of the four armed barbarians. "Boom Before Wang Wuyi and others had time to make a move, Wei Suo's evolution of the realm of immortality and the power of Heitan Magic Lotus had all been broken.


Just when Wei Suo's heart was horrified, there was a sound of vibration, and the ancestor of the eldest grandson family made a move. A blue light was like an ancient jade sword, which was severely killed on the indigo light.


However, Wei Suo had no time to start the cave empty footwork and step out one step, which led the eldest grandson family and Wang Wuyi to avoid the attack of indigo blue divine light.

It seems that the power of the four arm barbarian power is stronger than that of the ancient emperor's corpse. Even Wei Suo and the ancestors of the eldest grandson family can't fight hard and can only dodge.

"Crash!" Indigo blue light like a long river, impact on the black divine pattern, imprisoning the space of the black divine pattern, suddenly like pieces of rags were torn.

"Not good!" Until this time, Wang Wuyi, Su Shenxue and Bixi patriarch had time to make a move. A piece of divine light was shown around Wei Suo and the ancestors of the eldest grandson family. But at this time, Wei Suo and the ancestors of the eldest grandson family all had a sharp change in their faces.

The remaining power of indigo blue light was not only swept out, but swept out, sweeping the three bronze ancient halls.

All of a sudden, the three copper colored ancient halls were lit up like three sacred candles. In an instant, the three groups of people's most terrible magic power revived.

A blazing silvery white divine pattern, a blood red terror light column, and a purple and green twined divine light directly burst out from the three ancient copper colored halls. The difference is that the purple and green twined divine light instantly turned into a light curtain, protecting dozens of the same ancient copper halls around. However, the blazing silver white divine pattern and the blood red light column swept to the direction where Wei Suo and other people and the four armed barbarians were located!


This time Weisuo's face changed completely. Weisuo felt that the silvery white divine pattern, like the tide, was OK. Weisuo felt that it was almost equivalent to the full blow of the black Bodhi Heavenly Mother. However, the blood red terror light column clearly made him feel a kind of terror power far beyond the God and made his hair grow up. This blood red | terrible light column looks ordinary, but it gives him the feeling that it is the superposition of numerous Dharma domains. It is completely the power of true immortals, which makes him feel that he can not resist.

"Shua!" What made him even more creepy was that at this time, a Guanghua rushed out of the ancient purple copper hall where the four armed famine clan's great energy was located, where many huge sarcophagus were placed. As if it had broken through the limits of time and space, it was a yellow colored magic claw formed by countless divine patterns. It was just a claw that grabbed the four armed barbarian power from its original place and directly captured it back into the ancient hall.

Among the copper colored ancient palace, there are more powerful barbarians!

It's hard to imagine that this move was made only after the blood red | terror light column had been sent out, but the blood red | terror light column had not been swept over, and the four armed barbarian power had been directly captured back into the ancient hall by this claw.

What kind of magic is this? The wild clan can definitely be more terrifying than the four armed barbarians.

"Hiss!" In addition to the black light dome, Chang Sun Jing and Chang sun Xiao Ru are all solidified, but unconsciously they are pumping air.They can see clearly that at this time, it is a wild race with eight arms and a pair of flesh wings. When the barbarian was able to make a move, he offered to sit on the ground, and there was a hole in his head with white light flashing inside. What's more, Da Neng of this desolate nationality is full of an abnormal old breath. It's not because of his injury and exhaustion that he is now a picture of skin and bones, but he is also very old.

At present, the great Neng of the wasteland raised his head slightly, and the white light was shining from his eyes, which looked very terrible. However, with this move, he directly captured the four arm wild clan into the ancient hall, leaving Wei Suo and his eldest grandson's ancestors and others to fight against the blazing silver white divine pattern and the bloody red terror light column.

"Don't make a move, or you will cause more powerful counterattack!" At this time, the voice of the ancestors of the eldest grandson family also fell into the ears of Wei Suo and others. In his eyes, there were also two blue and white magic jade like light rushing out.

One of his hands stretched out, like a peerless sword, and rowed down toward the void ahead.


A void was disillusioned. Wei Suo only felt his body sink. The terrible blood red light column and the silver white divine pattern swept away from himself and the ancestors of his eldest grandson family, but he didn't get it at all.

"He is the means of void way! He pulled out a void crack in the void and packed us in to avoid the blow

It's just a lapse, and weissou reacts.

Tearing up the void is a kind of means against the heaven, but for the moment Weisuo reacted, he could not help turning his head. He had just seen the ancestor of the changsun family, but his heart was even more shocked. He opened his mouth for a moment, but could not make any sound.

In the past, the body of the eldest grandson's family was like a blue jade, glittering and dazzling, but now it is like a group of water light, giving people a sense of impending collapse.

"The forbidden counterattack power is too strong. I can only do that. My power has begun to weaken." The voice of the ancestors of the eldest grandson family came to Wei Suo's ears.

"Grandfather Beyond the black light dome, several members of the Changshun aristocratic family all uttered a lament. They could see that, in order to resist this blow, the ancestors of the changsun family had gone beyond the limit, and the power of the secret arts had begun to dissipate.


But at this time, Huang Daojun and others saw that the white light in the eyes of the eight armed barbarians, who was sitting on the ground and was very old, flashed violently again. At the same time, Weisuo's knowledge of the sea, as if suddenly stretched into an invisible palm, to grasp the whole consciousness of Weisuo, pull out the general.

Weisuo was shocked to the extreme, subconsciously launched the "do not move the heart", the mind seems to click, a transparent crystal and the invisible palm at the same time cracked.

"Hoo..." Weisuo gasped, as if a palm had held his neck for a long time and finally let go.

"Don't move your heart! It's no wonder that you can resist the Buddha's awn, and you have received the inheritance of the true spirit! "

At the same time, a very old, but also with the voice of monstrous power, in the black light dome ring up. Sitting on the ground, the eight armed barbarian can make a voice and talk to Wei Suo: "as long as you tell us how you got this inheritance and worked for us, we can let you have a way to live."

"Fart!" Weisuo's face didn't even have a trace of blood, but he swore, "if you could, you would have dealt with us and talked nonsense with me. I'm afraid you don't even have the ability to cure others with the magic medicine. Otherwise, you will try your best to pull that guy back. Instead of trying to kill us, you will save that person. Even if you kill us, you will not be able to save that guy. It will not be worthwhile. You want to scare me, do you think I'm scared? If you have the ability, you can show me again. You have no strength to move once. Do you want to let me live? "

"I'll tell you!" Wei Suo called more and more loud, the more arrogant, one hand in the waist, the other pointing at the direction of the ancient hall where the eight arm barren people's great energy is located. "Now you all come out and surrender to me, and I will let you live!"

Wei Suo's appearance shocked everyone. Although Chang Sun Jing and others can't hear what Wei Suo is calling now, they can see that Wei Suo is threatening these barbarian powers on the contrary.

Now, the eight armed barbarian power in the ancient temple can frighten people to death. In addition to the eight armed wild clan power, there are more than 30 other wild people sitting around, extremely frightening. But Wei Suo pointed out, reprimanded and threatened these great powers.

For a moment, everyone's head was not enough.

“……” But after Wei Suo such arrogant words called out, the ancient palace is actually fell into silence.

"Very well, you have the courage, but do you think you can attack? When we recover, can you escape? " After being speechless for a while, the old voice began to ring again."I'm scared to death!" Weissorton was in a cold sweat and his waistcoat was all wet. He was right again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!