Chapter 1208

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Besides us, are there other people who have come in and have already started to fight with Tian Jiu Shen Jun?"

Just as the monks of white robed Daneng gnawed their teeth and penetrated the precarious oval white aura in front of them, Weisuo and his party had already passed through the huge mountain which gave people an unreal feeling. They were all frowning at the place where the strange human shaped monster killed a number of friars of the counterfire League.

Although the strange human shaped monster has devoured the remnant limbs of those friars of the anti fire alliance, the broken vestments, blood stains and the blood in the air on the ground are the monks of Shenhai environment who can feel that a fight has happened here not long ago, let alone the perception of Weisuo and others.

"It doesn't seem to be an ordinary opponent. The monks in our previous alliance against fire were all above the golden elixir." At the same time, the God King of Beiming kept on giving a respectful reply to Zhantai Linglan, who had no strength in shouting and scolding.

"I'll see who's doing it here and see where they are."

Wei Suo's divine consciousness was swept several times. He made sure that there was no other monk around him. He simply did not waste time. He reached out a little and offered a sacrifice to Lan Jing, the God of heaven and sea, who was originally Huang Daojun.

"What is this?"

the scene on the sky sea god LAN mirror surprised Wei Suo and others.

In the painting, there is no trace of Tianjiu Shenjun and Shenlan King Yan returning to the north, but a green human shaped monster is flying in a vast and amazing ruins. It seems that there is no sense of vitality fluctuation except for the faint green aura.

"Is this a monster? All the monks here were killed by this monster? " The old man in green can't help but cry out first.

"How does it feel like a spirit eater?" Weisuo frowned and doubted very much. Although there was a big difference between the human shaped monster and the spirit eater in this picture, the green light on his body and the sinister and cunning feeling of the man shaped monster made him connect the monster with the spirit eater.

"It seems that in nine cases out of ten, it is a spirit eater that has come close to becoming a form." Linglong Tian sneered at the green humanoid monster in the picture, "in our era, so many great powers have never seen a spirit eater approaching the form. I can't imagine that now I can see one."

"Ghost Eaters?" Wei Suo and Han Weiwei and others were stunned.

"The rupture of the sky is indeed the most amazing experience for many high-level monsters. No wonder many supernatural level monsters appear." Witch goddess and Jiya and others looked at each other, but also reflected.

Most of the high-level monsters can devour the body and Qi and blood of monks to absorb aura and improve their accomplishments. For most monsters, friars are delicious food and miraculous medicine, and the spirit eating beast can devour friars' golden elixir and devour spirit stones to cultivate. Before the sky was not broken, these monsters had no way to enter the sky, and the "rations" were still relatively short. However, after the sky was broken, it was estimated that these monsters did not know how many friars they had devoured and how many spirit stones they got. Even some spirit stone veins were destroyed by these monsters, so their strength was improved, It's faster than ever.

"What's the strength of this kind of monster that has been cultivated to be close to the shape? How smart is that? " Weisuo asked, looking at Linglong sky. Now he doesn't care where this ape comes from. He just cares about how to deal with it.

"According to some of our great powers at that time, the strength of a truly transformed monster is roughly equal to that of a real immortal. This monster has not yet been truly transformed into form. It is estimated that at most it is the five peaks of Shenxuan." Linglong Tian knew what Wei Suo meant, and quickly explained: "this kind of monster, which is close to the shape of a monk, is no different from a monk. However, he is born to regard friars as prey. His ferocious and bloodthirsty nature does not change. His fighting methods are more difficult to deal with than ordinary monks of the same level."

"It's too big in the butcher. We can't see where it is. Let's go first."

Hearing Linglong Tian say so, Wei Suo murmured, then nodded to all the people, collected the sky and sea god's LAN mirror, and the party continued to move forward toward the direction full of overcast wind ahead. Of course, the strength of Shenxuan's five peaks does not pose any threat to Weisuo. It's just that the ruins in the picture are boundless, there is no end at all, and there is no obvious reference at all. It is difficult to tell which direction the monster is in. We have to look inside.

Although the black wind in front of him was extremely fierce, there was no obstacle to Wei Suo's divine sense sweeping in. Moreover, with his perception, he even felt that the prohibition of Yin wind was caused by the vigorous wind from the gang wind layer in the Ninth Heaven. So when they got to the overwhelming wind, they didn't stop at all. They just started Wushi sword Sutra by Weisuo alone. A circle of sword spirit crushed all the approaching wind and easily passed through.

"It's too big." Once through the rolling black wind, Han Weiwei is immediately very disheartened.

The front is completely flat in the past, and there is no end of the ruins. It gives people the feeling that big cities are gathered and destroyed here. The four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest are all the same, endless. Even if the spirit eater is also in the ruins, it is impossible to see where it is."It's just another world. It's hard to imagine the powerful means of the barbarians." Chang Sun Jing and Yuan Yin Laozu and others could not help but marvel. Such a grand scene also made them believe that the butcher of the barbarian tribe was made of small stars.

"Linglong heaven, since this pagoda is made of small stars, is there a star core in it?" Shuiling son suddenly thought of a little, asked Linglong day softly.

"Did you think of refining powerful magic weapons with star cores?" Linglong sky looked at shuiling'er and shook his head. "Although there should be, there is no possibility. Either the star core has been taken out, or its own power can be used, and it is impossible that it can be preserved intact."

"Wei Daoyou, there is an obvious breath of monks passing through that direction."

At this time, Li ruohai is releasing a fire red cat shaped monster. After sniffing a few times, Li ruohai is very humanized and stretches its claws in a direction.

"Li palace master, you are such a cute fire witch cat, can you lend me to play for two days?" Weisuo immediately nodded and ran away. The group flew to the direction indicated by Li ruohai, while Han Weiwei was looking at the cat like monster with a look of finding new things on her face.

Speaking of Li ruohai, this cat shaped monster is really very cute, with long red fur all over the body looking extremely pliable, and its two eyes are black and bright, which is indescribable aura.

But after hearing Han Weiwei say so, the cat shaped monster bares its teeth and mumbles at Han Weiwei. Obviously, he is very dissatisfied with Han Weiwei's claim that he borrowed money to play for two days.

"It's lovely." Han Weiwei can't move her eyes when she sees this smart cat.

Seeing Han Weiwei's appearance, the civet cat was even more frightened, and hid in Li ruohai's frock sleeve with a whoosh.

"Really, my sister is not a bad person. Look, my sister has a little sister to play with you." Han Weiwei patted nabao bag and released Hunyuan yinwa.

“…” As a result, as soon as Lingmao felt the breath of Hunyuan yinwa, she almost gave out a scream and didn't dare to show up.

"It seems that you are really a bad man in his heart, deliberately frightening him." When they saw Han Weiwei, who was very depressed, they couldn't help laughing. But seeing Hunyuan silver WA, Wei Suo was moved in his heart and released Yangzhi bird and qingluan.

Yang Zhi bird and Qing Luan, the spirit birds, have the ability to sense danger even above the friars, but they are also of great use in such dangerous places.

After releasing yangzhiniao and qingluan, Wei Suo's divine consciousness was released, and no abnormality was found. Although they were all very surprised, the atmosphere was very relaxed.

However, the stupa was too big to imagine. The ruins gave Wei Suo and others the feeling that they were just the place where they usually lived and practiced. There was no special wonderful place. But after flying for nearly 20000 Li, a huge mountain vein appeared in front of him.

This mountain range is almost exactly the same as that of Weisuo and others when they came in. That is to say, this huge mountain range is likely to be a circular mountain range, stretching for thousands of miles.

"What's the matter?"

Soon after this mountain range appeared in the public's sight, the witch goddess and others found that Weisuo was obviously stunned, as if he had found something.

"That place has the smell of space prohibition. What kind of teleportation array might it be?"

Weisuo nodded, and without saying much, took the road ahead.

After flying about three or four hundred Li, all the people could see clearly that there were four white platforms behind the rubble ruins which were more than ten people high. Above them, there were four groups of oval white glittering, just like four oval white crystal stones.

"It won't lead to any unique space, will it?" When Wei Wei's face became white, she saw the white face again.

"It shouldn't be. It's just sent to other places in the butcher." Weisuo and Linglong Tian carefully looked around the four white aura regiments for a while, and they were all positive.

Both of them felt that although the white aura group looked extremely unique, the vitality law was not much different from the general transmission array, just like a teleportation array which was always in the excited state.

"Master Li, can you tell which teleportation array they have entered Weisuo determined that this should be four transmission array, looking at Li ruohai asked.

Li ruohai patted several times the fire witch cat, but the fire witch cat sniffed wildly, but it was claws delimited a few circles, and then shook his head helplessly. The fire witch cat can only determine which teleportation array Tianjiu Shenjun and others have entered here, but it is impossible to determine at all.

"It seems that only one of them has gone in." Wei Suo pondered for a while, looked at Linglong day one eye, "steel tooth younger sister, which do you think is advanced better?"

"I don't know. It depends on luck. It's all the same." Linglong day frowned and grinded his teeth."Then you can either go ahead with this one." Weisuo knew that there was nothing to choose from, and went straight to the front of the first white light on the left side of his body.

"Go There was no hesitation. Weisuo and Linglong Tian were at the front, and the rest of them all followed behind. They were all absorbed in the white light selected by Weisuo.


As expected, as soon as Weisuo put himself into the white light, he immediately determined that it was the teleportation array. As soon as he saw a flower in front of him, he immediately regained Qingming and sent it to another place. However, he had not had time to see the scene in front of him. His divine consciousness had just been swept out, and his whole body was shocked.

In this place of transmission, the vitality of heaven and earth and the vitality of stars are almost the same as before. Indeed, they are still on the top of the futu, but in addition to the same strong vitality of stars, sky fire and thunder Gang, Weisuo felt a trace of aura at this moment.

This place, like the original Haixian City, is filled with a lot of Aura! , the fastest update of the webnovel!