Chapter 1225

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
The spirit eater, which has almost turned into a shape, is also a grumpy and abnormal look. It is not only the light green light wave rolling on its body, but also a puff of green light coming out from its mouth.


Under the unexplained fury of yanbeigui and Tianjiu Shenjun, the Shenlan king, the spirit eating beast was beaten upside down, and hit the green light curtain behind it fiercely. The light green light was constantly shaking on its body, and the light green liquid was continuously dripping out from the mouth and nose. It seemed that it was badly beaten.

It seems that the power of the green light from its mouth is not strong, and it is directly dispersed at the beginning. However, under the attack of the Shenlan Wang Yanbei GUI and Tianjiu Shenjun, their bodies are all shaking violently, and their faces turn green. They both quickly take out a pill from the nabao bag and swallow it.

That green light group actually contains a surprising toxin, which in an instant makes these two gods Xuan's five powers suffer a lot of damage. The common spirit eater can't spit poison at all. It's obvious that the spirit eater has evolved its unique abilities at this level.


In the two people take out a spiritual elixir detoxification of a lag, the enemy of the two people's almost form of the spirit eater's eyes swept, but it is also extremely manic growl, hands fierce in the blue and yellow light screen a row, it is hard to pull back the light screen behind, and another head into.

"Not good!"

At the sight of this spirit eating beast, Yan beigui and Tian Jiu Shen Jun, who were originally extremely furious, suddenly changed their faces. The "bang" sound immediately opened the blue and yellow light curtain and went in.

"Evil animal!"

As soon as he entered the blue and yellow light curtain, both yanbeigui and Tianjiu Shenjun became more and more livid. Before Yanbei's return, Xianbao was shocked, and a blue and black whirlpool burst out. At the same time, a two foot long white duster appeared in front of Tianjiu God King, rippling with a thick real immortal breath.

In the distance ahead of them, the spirit eater was laughing wildly at them with blood flowing from the corners of their mouths.

Under the body of the spirit eating beast are the stumps of two golden elixirs of the counterfire alliance. In its hands, the left hand holds the head of a great monk of the counterfire alliance, while the right hand holds a golden elixir of a great monk of the counterfire alliance.

The rest of the golden elixir monks of the counterfire alliance all fled in panic. It was obvious that these golden elixir monks were not the opponents of this nearly transformed spirit eating beast.

"Bang" of a huge shock, just killed two golden elixir monks, it seems that just swallowed a golden elixir spirit eater was yanbeigui and Tianjiu God King beat fly upside down, in the mouth and nose of light green liquid gush. But at the same time, the mouth of the spirit eater was emitting five or six green light clusters in succession.

"Don't scatter these light masses!"

At the sight of the green light emitted by the spirit eater, Yan beigui, the king of Shenlan, and Tianjiu Shenjun suddenly changed their faces. Yan beigui also made five or six blue light clusters, but they wrapped all the five or six green light clusters and flew out from afar.

Between this time, the spirit eating beast, which was close to the shape, was full of green light. With the potential of flying upside down, it opened the distance from yanbeigui, the king of Shenlan, and Tianjiu Shenjun.


When a blue and black whirlpool and a white magic light hit the human shaped monster, the beast had already reached the edge of the blue and yellow light curtain. With a violent pull of both hands, it broke a gap and rushed out.

Then, the blue and black whirlpool and white magic light impact on the blue and yellow light screen, making it a bigger hole. However, the roaring sound is constant, but it seems to hit the empty place, and it doesn't look like it hit the human monster at all.

"I'm afraid the magic power of this monster is not enough, but I'm afraid that the body has at least half of the real immortal's fighting power. If we are alone bullied by him, I'm afraid we are not its rivals One hit does not hit, God LAN Wang Yan North return to have no pursuit, facial expression extremely haze said.

"It seems that those Taoist friends who guarded the outer entrance before were also dead in the hands of this monster. This monster is very similar to the spirit eater, devouring the monk's body and the golden elixir. It seems to be a kind of spirit eater close to the form. " The sky nine God gentleman of a face iron blue nodded to say.

"You should follow us as soon as possible, otherwise we can't protect you completely. We are too eager to damage two Taoist friends. But that thing is so amazing that we must get it, and we can't let it fall into the hands of this monster!" After Yan beigui, the king of Shenlan, took a deep breath, he immediately gave a sharp drink to all the golden elixir monks who rebelled against the fire alliance, and then plundered towards the blue and yellow light curtain behind.

"Tianjiu God King, just now what is it that makes the two gods so eager?" When all the remaining golden elixir monks of the anti fire alliance all followed, a thin old man in green robes who should be good with the heavenly nine God King couldn't help asking.

"That's the rabbit fairy grass! It was recorded in a classic book before Huang tingzong that a monk with four levels of divinity and mystery could directly break through the real immortal if he refined one of these fairy herbs. You can imagine how the medicine is against the heaven Hearing the thin old man's question, Tian Jiu God Jun's eyes suddenly filled with fanaticism and irritability, "just now we just smelled a little fragrance, and the real yuan in our body felt a little stronger. This moon rabbit fairy grass has obviously reached the point of turning immortals and channeling spirits! If we can get it, we don't need one plant at all. I'm afraid only one tenth of it will be able to directly break through the true immortal! ""Hiss!"

An air-conditioning voice suddenly sounded behind Tianjiu Shenjun and yanbeigui, even surpassing the breaking voice of these people.

A large plant of this kind of fairy grass can make the monks of Shenxuan quadruple break through the real immortal. How amazing will the medicinal power of this kind of medicinal herb turn into immortal?

This level of fairy grass, even if the sky is falling down at the moment, have to fight!


From the bottom of the blue sky, the sky was covered with a yellow sky.

This night sky full of silver stars is obviously forbidden. What's more, it doesn't even show any energy fluctuation. It's like a static night sky.

But at the moment, Tianjiu Shenjun and others have already completely red eyes for the moon rabbit fairy grass. They don't want to explore whether there is any danger in the prohibition. They just fly up the hillside first.

"It has the fragrance of rabbit and fairy grass!" Only less than a few hundred feet away, Tianjiu Shenjun and yanbeigui were shocked by their spirits and smelled a trace of moon rabbit fairy grass.

The area covered by the night sky covered with silver stars is obviously much broader than that covered by several previous prohibitions. The heavenly nine God King and Yan beigui and others did not come out of this strange night sky, but felt that the mountain gradually calmed down.

"Is it near the top of this giant mountain?"

"Previously, they were all in the nine sky thunder Gang layer. Where are you going now?"

All of a sudden, Tianjiu Shenjun and yanbeigui all reacted and shivered.

Just then a burst of crazy plunder, at least three or four thousand Zhang, now they are in the position, I'm afraid it is really above the nine days of thunder Gang layer! The giant mountain, like a giant pillar, reaches into the nine sky Lei Gang layer!

the fragrance of the moon rabbit fairy grass is getting stronger and stronger in front of them, which makes them feel like they are soaking in the spirit spring. At this time, they naturally refuse to stop, but fly to the place where the fragrance of moon rabbit fairy grass sends out for a moment, "ah!" A burst of exclamation, they criticized people, all of them could not help shouting.

They saw an unspeakable sight.

In front of it was a huge valley with a slight depression, like a huge extinct volcano!

There is nothing up there. This is the top of this giant mountain!

And in the middle of this giant mountain, there is a huge pillar of black light with a radius of at least thousands of Zhang, which is constantly gushing upward!

This black light torrent gives people the feeling that it is going to shoot into the endless void, and I don't know where to hit the stars.

And at the moment, that blue light is staying at the edge of the black light.

That huge black divine light column, the momentum is too shocking, so for a moment, the sky nine God King and other people are all awed.

"It's the monster in shape!"

However, at this time, many Jindan friars of the anti fire League issued a cry of horror.

I saw a pale green light with amazing speed, has appeared from the other end, extremely fast toward the direction where the rabbit fairy grass is.


Almost at the moment of the appearance of the pale green humanoid monster, the moon rabbit fairy grass glittered, and directly fell into the huge black magic column.

"Hiss!" "Hiss!" "Hiss!"

in Tianjiu Shenjun's side, all the people also plundered toward the direction where the moon rabbit and fairy grass had not entered.

With a light sound of "Bo", we can see that the human shaped spirit eater approaching the shape is one step earlier than Tianjiu Shenjun and yanbeigui. Before the black divine light pillar, there is no stop directly, so it bumps into the black divine light column.

Tianjiu Shenjun and yanbeigui were both slightly stagnant, because they could not see through the black light column in front of them, and they could not feel what kind of power the black divine light column was.


Tianjiu God King played a brilliant light. In a flash, he did not enter into the black light column. He did not cause any power counterattack, as if he had just entered a pool.

Seeing this scene, Tianjiu Shenjun and yanbeigui are both biting their teeth. Their figures move and they are thrown into a huge black light column.

The great friars of the backfire alliance Jindan in the rear all flew in one by one. In a short time, the mountain top was empty and there was no sound. , the fastest update of the webnovel!