Chapter 1241

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"What is that sound?"

Weisuo and his party suddenly stopped.

They have been flying for two hours since they came out of Cuigu Island, where the terrible Yujia eagle was. At the moment, the big pieces of bronzes in their sight are not bright. There was a slight noise in the distance. The sound was very low, as if someone were flicking their fingers in the distance, but in this airspace which was even quieter than at night, it was extremely abrupt and clear.

"What's going on?" While others were in doubt, Weisuo's eyes were already focused on the female extraterritorial demons.

Although the voice was still outside Weisuo's divine sense, he could be sure that it should be the voice of the impact of the power when fighting.

With the perception ability of extraterritorial demons, the female extraterritorial demons should have been aware of the existence of the local vitality fluctuation!

"It is likely that the two savage slaves, as you call them, seem to be fighting some kind of fierce star beast." Just by Weisuo to see, the female extraterritorial demon's body suddenly and violently hit a shiver.

"You've already felt it. Why don't you say it?" Weisuo snapped, his eyes full of murder.

No matter what the female extraterritorial demon said is true or false, he is really moved at the moment.

He is not a man with a strong heart, but it does not mean that he is soft hearted, especially if he has already uttered harsh words.

"That star beast's vitality fluctuates very much. I'm afraid the two wild gods and slaves may not be rivals. I'm afraid I told you that, with your temperament, I'm afraid I can't help helping those two slaves. " The female extraterritorial demon had already felt Weisuo's killing thought, and her whole body trembled even more fiercely. Her voice changed. "I'm for the sake of everyone's lives. Lord Shi Jialan will come at any time. We can't waste any time."

"You know my disposition very well, but I need to remind you a little bit." Weisuo looked at the female extraterritorial demon in a very gloomy way. "Sometimes I can make decisions for these people around me. They trust me, and they have the same idea as me, but anything can't be decided by you for us."

"I see, my Lord." The female extraterritorial demon bowed her head in horror and did not dare to look at Weisuo's eyes. "I will not dare to make my own decision next time."

"If only you knew, otherwise there would not be another time." Weisuo looked at the woman and said coldly.

"Shall we go over and have a look at them? They are really pathetic." Water spirit son at this time can't help looking at Wei Suo, said.

"Why don't you go on? I'll go and have a look. With my escape speed, I should be able to catch up with you soon. It's not a waste of time. " Weisuo slightly pondered for a while, looked at the water spirit son and so on to say.

"Good." The party did not have any nonsense, they all nodded and agreed.

"Go." Wei Suo dodged the light, but he rolled up the female extraterritorial demons and the male extraterritorial demons who were still in a coma, and flew towards the direction of the sound.

The extraterritorial demons are very strange. Even if they are restrained and let linglongtian and Nangong Yuqing take them with them, he is a little worried.

Under Weisuo's all-out effort to launch the Dongxu footwork, one step is to cross the void for hundreds of miles, which is only a dozen breathing time. In his sight, he has already appeared the scene of the star beast fighting method described by the two wild gods and the female extraterritorial demons.

"What star beast is this?"

Although he had already been prepared for the attack, he felt that the collision was amazing, but when he saw the scene of fighting, Weisuo was also shocked.

In fact, the star beast in the mouth of extraterritorial demons is actually the monster beast in this airspace. At the moment, this monster beast, which is fighting with the two wild gods and slaves, is not very large. It is only the size of a millstone. It looks like a white beetle. But different from ordinary beetles, this demon beast has a long whip tail behind its buttocks, which is covered with white inverted Thorn.

The white beetle has no head, or the whole shell is its head. On the back of the shell, there are two white cold lights flashing, which should be the eyes of the white beetle.

At the moment, the monster is suspended on the top of a piece of meteorite with various green plants in a radius of more than ten miles. Among the two wild God slaves opposite, the gap between the male xiuhuang God slave's forehead and the tip of his nose has been opened, emitting a series of terrible dark red beams. At the same time, the female nun was emitting white light at the moment, but it was shaking and seemed to have suffered a lot of damage.

The power of this dark red light beam excited by the male monk can even break through Weisuo's body. However, when each light beam hits the demon beast, a layer of transparent fluorescence will flash on the crystal clear and moist shell of the monster. Then, the dark red light beam can only beat the monster back and fly out, while the dark red light beam reverses Instead, they were fighting against the male and female slaves.

As a result, the dark red light beam emitted by the male cultivation God slave had to collide with the dark red light beam rebounding back.At the moment, it seems that the male cultivation God slave takes the initiative, but the vitality fluctuation of the male cultivation God slave is obviously very disordered. If it goes on like this, he will be unable to bear and collapse completely.

On the contrary, the white monster did not appear to have any damage. The strength of this kind of monster is almost unimaginable.

"It's a spectral beast!"

When she saw the monster, she was obviously shocked. "This monster can not only rebound the magic power, but also absorb the strange star energy. If you want to get close, it will spray out the absorbed star energy, and let people sleep in the past!"


At this time, the male monk God slave suddenly stopped attacking, and together with the female xiuhuang God slave, they swept towards Wei Suo's direction.

Weisuo could see at a glance that the man was unable to support him at this time and obviously wanted to ask him for help.

At the same time, the strange white monster, with two cold flashes of eyes, had already swept on Weisuo and the female extraterritorial demons, and turned into a white streamer, shooting at Weisuo's position.

"My Lord, this is a star beast that can only be dealt with by yukato and shijialan among our people. Ordinary means are useless to it. But the divinity killing method you used to deal with me should be useful. My Lord, for you, this star beast may be an excellent material for refining weapons Looking at the approaching white monster, there is a light in the eyes of the female extraterritorial demons.


Hearing the words of female extraterritorial demons, Weisuo's heart was also fierce.

However, there was no hesitation. His eyes were just in a flash. The Buddha's awn, which had been evolved by him, had already rushed into the sea of knowledge of the white monster.

"Whew ~ ~"

the white monster immediately gave out a very strange whistling sound.

The whole body in the air after a fierce meal, seems to feel bad, but it is back.

But this monster can be said to be the most amazing monster that Weisuo has ever seen. Maybe it can be used to refine powerful magic weapons. Under such circumstances, how could Weisuo let go of this monster.

Weisuo stood still, but the Tathagata God awn was one strike after another, and kept sending out.

The spirit of this monster is also very strong. After five successive impacts of the Tathagata's divine awn, the demon beast can't support it completely, and its body vibrates constantly in the air.

Weisuo didn't stop. He was still a Tathagata God's awn. After ten consecutive times, the monster's body sank violently, but the whole divine consciousness collapsed completely. The vitality of his body quickly disappeared and became a corpse.


Wei Suo Xuan grabs the ghost claw and catches the corpse of the monster falling down in front of him.

I saw that the body of the monster was like a large white oval jade plate. In addition to the two sunken eye pits and the place where the tail grew out, it had no limbs, and the whole shell had no other place with any seam, which was a whole body. If the tail is removed, it will give people the feeling that it is a flat elliptical crystal, rather than a monster.


At this time, Wei Nuo left the two gods on one side.

Looking at this situation, Weisuo could not help shaking his head. He did not consider how to use the monster to refine the magic weapon, and directly put the body of the monster into nabao bracelet.

He thought that the two slaves must have to leave on their own.

But to his surprise, just as he put away the monster's body and stepped out of the cave with empty footwork, the two wild God slaves shot into the green plant covered meteorite where the monster had stayed before, and then shot out immediately, but they rushed to his direction.

"What does that mean?" Weisuo was a little confused again.

Because when the two slaves were plundered out, there was a purple elixir in the hands of the male deities. This makes Weisuo have some reaction. It may be because of this miraculous drug that the two wild gods and slaves have a conflict with this monster. However, when the male and female wasteland God slaves came after him, they were just another half of them. They directly divided up the miraculous medicine which he did not even see clearly, and directly swallowed it. It was not like the last time that they wanted to repay the kindness and give it to him.

Neither to send him the elixir, and catch up, Weisuo naturally some do not understand.

"My Lord, they seem to want to follow us." Just when Weisuo stopped, some did not want to understand to look at the two wild God slaves, but the female extraterritorial demon said this with some suspicion.

"You want to follow me?" This time, Weisuo's eyes immediately lit up and made such a sound to the two wild gods and slaves. , the fastest update of the webnovel!