Chapter 1260

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
For her own change, Han Weiwei is naturally more clear than anyone else, just a breath, she will also know exactly what is going on.

It's just that we have to break through the Shenxuan on one side, which is really too speechless.

But since also unable to resist, it is only a moment, Han Weiwei actively cater to up.


But in this extremely beautiful time, Han Weiwei and Weisuo are suddenly slightly stunned.

The reason why han Weiwei is abnormal is that she has a faint feeling that the cold pill with xuansha Yin Qi gathering in her body is not only more and more condensed, but also has a feeling that it is connected with her Shenxuan Dharma body.

This feeling is like the cold pill in her body to become a part of her mysterious Dharma body.

This feeling is very strange, because she is very clear that the power of Weisuo's xuansha ghost claw is still above the cold pill in her body, but Weisuo's xuansha ghost claw is also formed by xuansha Yin Qi, which is clearly separated from Weisuo's Shenxuan Dharma body, without any connection at all. Is this because this cold pill is similar to her Shenxuan Dharma body vitality?

This time, Han Weiwei is simply do not want to understand, can only wait for change.

But there are two reasons why Weisuo is abnormal at the moment.

First, he felt that Han Weiwei's breakthrough to Shenxuan had triggered the void storm from the huge void gap, but it was useless for Hunyuan yinwa. Hunyuan yinwa chose to avoid it at the first time. However, in the void storm, in addition to a large number of miscellaneous stars, it seemed that there were a large number of grass seeds. A large number of plant seeds seemed to be an endless wilderness space full of countless plants. Fortunately, all the plants had reached the time to seed. As a result, countless grass seeds were rolled up by the violent storm The seeds come out.

These grass seeds, seeds, but with the eruption of the storm, spread out, covering at least tens of thousands of miles of area.

Weisuo finally knew why this kind of airspace was formed by the impact of many meteorites. According to reason, when the meteorite struck, all living things were destroyed, but now life is so diverse that many meteorites are covered with various plants.

Another thing to Wei Suo's surprise is that the speed at which he consumes Yang Yuan is astonishing, but his Yang Yuan is still extremely surging.

It should be that he broke through the dual roles of the true and the immortal, and the physical body became more powerful. In addition, he refined the relationship between the divine wood and the divine root of the Yuan Dynasty. As a result, he did not feel a deficit at all.

Originally, he thought that Han Weiwei's breakthrough of Shenxuan, Yuanyin thick to this extent, he is likely to be some can not bear.

But now, I'm afraid that he doesn't need to refine any miraculous medicine or do meditation again, so he can cope with Han Weiwei's breakthrough from Shenxuan to Shenxuan.

Han Weiwei's thirty-two black lotus seeds, there are still 17 left. In addition, another red lotus seed has a bright appearance. It looks like a miraculous medicine like a red candle. It is not a problem for Han Weiwei to break through to the two levels of God and mystery.

"Wife, don't stop. Go on." At the thought of this, Weisuo immediately said in Han Weiwei's ear.

"Dead hooligan, stinking rascal Where can I stop? " Han Weiwei will be wrong Wei Suo's meaning, shy and angry, two people are now violent, where there is stop, do you want to turn over to be the master, he closed his eyes to enjoy, let himself use the real yuan to drive him?

“… "Wei Suo was sweating a little, then explained," I'm not saying that we should not stop this, but your breakthrough of Shenxuan cultivation. Don't stop, make persistent efforts, and break through the double of Shenxuan and Xuanxuan in one breath. Anyway, there is no special danger when Shenxuan breaks through Shenxuan double.

Hearing Weisuo say so, Han Weiwei almost fainted again.

"Hehe, I'm afraid there hasn't been such a breakthrough in the world of monasticism since ancient times But Wei Suo is still a wretched smile, more interested, seems to feel more exciting to say such a sentence.

"Why am I with such a guy?" Han Weiwei is completely speechless to him. He knows that he has nothing to say with the dead profiteer and the old rascal. Anyway, the first time this guy was in Huangsha canyon with himself, he pretended to take off his pants or something.

Therefore, Han Weiwei tried to refine the remaining elixir, which was just about a cup of tea. Her vitality was shocked again. However, she continued to rush through the pass from Shenxuan to Shenxuan.

"How wonderful!"

As soon as Han Weiwei broke through the two levels of Shenxuan and Xuanxuan, Wei Suo Dun felt that it was a river like Yin yuan that was metabolized in Han Weiwei's body, just like an ice dragon trying to devour Han Weiwei from inside to outside.

According to the great xuansha method, he felt the amazing xuansha Yin Qi flowing into his own xuansha ghost claws every week, and the power of his xuansha ghost claws was climbing.

At this time, it was a sudden change.

Han Weiwei only felt that her cold Dan suddenly and thoroughly established a connection with her supernatural Dharma body.With a light sound of "puff", a blue and black Han Dan rose from her celestial body and shot into the hands of Shenxuan Dharma body above her head.

Her naked female daozun's Shenxuan Dharma body, holding the blue and black cold pill in her hands, is connected.

The breath and light of the coldest cold formed a ribbon like a wreath on her body.

However, dozens of ribbon like wreaths covered most of the body of the statue, and made it look more solemn.

"The cold Dan is actually connected with the Shenxuan Dharma body. Is the original intention of Xijing glaze that it must cooperate with such a double cultivation method, and when it is cultivated to a certain extent, it will increase many miracles?" Wei Suo had already felt that Han Weiwei had broken through Shenxuan to Shenxuan. However, the fluctuation of vitality was not violent enough and did not lead to many empty storms. However, such a change surprised him.

Xijing glaze itself is the most powerful method in the ice system. Before Han Weiwei's Shenxuan Dharma body was integrated into the cold pill, the power of the double Shenxuan Dharma body must be at least equivalent to the triple cultivation of Shenxuan. However, once integrated into the cold pill, Wei Suo felt that the power of this Shenxuan Dharma body was no less than that of Zhenxian Yes!

Because the power of Han Weiwei's cold pill has also exceeded the power of immortal level, and with the double cultivation of two people, the power of this cold pill is still in the process of improvement.

This is just like a supernatural Dharma body, but it is integrated into a magic weapon of life above the immortal rank! Moreover, this is not a real life magic weapon. Han Weiwei can also integrate a life magic weapon to enhance the power of Shenxuan's Dharma body!

With the two people's double cultivation continuing, a large amount of xuansha Yin Qi was transformed into the cold Dan and xuansha ghost claws of the two people in each week.

The most intimate love of fish and water with one's own Taoist partners, coupled with the increasing perceptual power, can hardly be described by words.

With the influx of a stream of xuansha Yin Qi, the color of the cold pill held by Han Weiwei's Shenxuan Dharma body also changed. It gradually became not the blue and black of ancient glaciers, but gradually turned into crystal clear ice blue, with an indescribable perfect and holy breath.


Weisuo could not help but let out his own xuansha ghost claws.

"This..." What surprised him was that his xuansha ghost claw was no longer so sinister. It was not as ice blue as Han Weiwei's Han Dan, but a crystal clear pale gold. It gave people the feeling that it was just like an arm of daozun.

"What kind of power have she reached, Han Dan and I, xuansha ghost claws?"

Wei Suo has already felt that Han Weiwei's two Shenxuan breakthroughs, especially the golden elixir's breaking through the wall, produced Yuan Yin vitality when she broke through to Shenxuan. I'm afraid that the benefits of two people's double cultivation are more than that of all previous double cultivation. However, she feels that Han Weiwei has not much yin yuan left in her body, which should be refined in less than half a incense stick, Weisuo repressed the idea of stopping at once to try.

The half incense time passed, and in the end, whether it was Han Weiwei's cold Dan or Wei Suo's xuansha ghost claws, they all sent out a circle of halo, all of which were ice flowers.

And the inside of the cold Dan and xuansha ghost claws, it is actually a strip of light lines, giving people the feeling that they have turned out the road God pattern.


Weisuo couldn't help it at this time. Xuansha ghost claws toward the front. Suddenly, the void in front of him crashed, and several thin ice like cracks appeared.

"Hiss!" Weisuo's eyes widened and he shivered.

Although the power of his xuansha ghost claw is not as powerful as his thunder King emperor's sword, it is also beyond his power to stimulate the incomplete and incomplete moon realm, which is at least equivalent to the full blow of the four peak powers of the true immortal.

"Good wife, how about your cold Dan's power?"

Wei Suo's salty pig's hand patted Han Weiwei's white buttocks and said this at the same time.

"Death hooligan!" Han Weiwei's whole body has been softened at the moment, but she is also very curious. In the twinkling of her mind, she can see that her Shenxuan Dharma body shakes, and a light blue divine light like a precious curtain sweeps towards the void ahead.

“… "Weisuo's eyes widened again.

Han Weiwei Han Dan's power of this blow is not under him at all.

"It's the power of Xijing glass Dharma body, which is combined with her cold Dan. So although her cold Dan power was not as good as mine before, it has already reached such a power now." After a while, Wei Suo reacted.

"It's just Shenxuan and xuanshuang. The Shenxuan cold pill can almost play the four peaks of Zhenxian. Isn't she able to deal with a real immortal's triple opponent?" Weisuo looked at Han Weiwei in his arms and gulped his mouth.

"Do you want any more..." This next Han Weiwei will be wrong meaning, coy will be buried in Weisuo's , the fastest update of the webnovel!