Chapter 1265

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Hunyuan yinwa was completely transformed.

Her change is enough time for the old man in green robe to make a fuss.

The silver scale armor has completely turned into silver hollow armor, and the exposed skin under the armor is delicate and white.

The first feeling of a charming melon seed face is absolutely comparable to that of yinlihua, but her figure is even taller than Nangong Yuqing, and her facial features are more three-dimensional.

Her hair was silver, and her body was surrounded by silver halos, but in her hand she held a silver spear five feet long. A silver light flowed from the tip to the tail of the spear, and went round and round.

If it is the first time to see her, she will never be associated with monsters. She will only feel that she is full of exotic customs and comes from some monastic tribes in the marginal areas.

"Dead!" But the old man in green robe took a look at the scene after the transformation of Hunyuan silver WA, but he simply said these three words.

His eyes did not stay on the white skin exposed under the silver armor of Hunyuan yinwa. Instead, he looked into the distance deeply, and his expression was like a dead fish.


Gushli and azuli murmured in the same way. They looked worse than the dead fish, like dried fish that had been dried for more than ten days.

In the distance, there are at least 30 meteor shower like escape lights.

Although we can not see the scene in the escape of light, but the power of the escape light is amazing, showing an arc in the air, connecting into a light band.

"We'll wait for them here. Yan and Li, follow him Wei Suo looked at the Hunyuan silver WA, but immediately turned around and pointed the empty gold gourd to Zhantai Linglan. After passing a few words to Zhantai Linglan, he said to the two wild gods.

Sure that the two wasteland slaves understood, and after they could not resist Zhantai Linglan, Weisuo's eyebrows were filled with a full of hundreds of miles of white light.

After the white light disappeared, Zhantai Linglan and the two wild God slaves disappeared, and the young man transformed by the spirit eating beast disappeared.

"If you're dead or not, tell me that some of the people here are much better than you." Weisuo arranged Zhantai Linglan and others, and looked at Gu Sili and azuli who were almost scared to be like two dried fish.

"Not counting shijialan, there are still seven of them!" Gushli's body and voice trembled like leaves in the wind.


Linglong Tian narrowed her eyes and nodded.

"What about that guy, did you arrange it or did he run away?" Han Weiwei took a deep breath and looked around. The voice came to Weisuo's ears.

She knew that Zhantai Linglan had taken two wild gods and slaves to use the empty golden gourd to hide, which might be used for sneak attack, or not to attack. If she could hide Shi Jialan's perception, and they had no chance at all.

But the disappearance of the spirit eater at the same time still made her a little uneasy.

"It's right behind that meteorite. It's still reliable." Weisuo's eyes glanced at a piece of dark iron meteorite on the left in front of him. At the same time, he pointed the blood moon god's iron Dharma suit to Han Weiwei's body. His look was a little nervous and some helpless, "this time, I still depend on you. How about the skill handed down to you by palace Master Li? "

Han Weiwei understood Wei Suo's meaning. If the other side was easy to deal with, Wei Suo must have given the blood moon god iron battle suit to Nangong Yuqing. In this way, she could be used as a surprise soldier at most, and she didn't need to be on her own. The current situation is not easy to deal with, but Han Weiwei is a little proud and happy.

Because they had always let this guy stand in front of them and fight for them, and now she can fight with him.

"There should be no problem." She listened to Weisuo's words as never before, and earnestly conveyed this sentence to Weisuo. At the same time, she immediately put on the iron vestment of the God of blood and moon.

As soon as Han Weiwei put on the blood moon god iron Dharma clothes, all the people immediately felt a light in front of them.

The brightest red makes Han Weiwei look more delicate and charming. Moreover, this tight combat armour style dress makes Han Weiwei's figure more exquisite and clear, and her beauty and heroism converge together.

"Tut It's even more amazing than someone back then. " Weisoton looked at Xin Youlan with deep meaning and at the same time sent out this praise.

"Then come and make fun of me." The heart has Lanton, jade face a red, spat.

"How are you, Wu?" Weisuo took a deep breath, laughed, and echoed in the witch's ear.

"If I have half a cup of tea, I should be able to refine these miraculous medicines thoroughly, but I can only attack the imperial envoy's sword array at most." The witch preached.

"Well, I'll look for opportunities for you." Weisuo's brow slightly jumps, the voice says.

Just for a moment, the escape light had entered into the scope of Weisuo's divine consciousness.

The powerful and terrifying breath, which is swept by the divine consciousness, brings unimaginable pressure to the mind."Powerful master shijialan, since you have brought so many powerful people, it seems that we really need to have a good talk." Weisuo made such a sound.

As soon as his voice dropped, both sides could see the lineup of both sides.

Chang Sun Jing and extremely Yin Shen Jun are also used to seeing people in the big field. They can see this group of extraterritorial demons in the sight, and their legs still can't help shaking.

There are more than 30 extraterritorial demons in total. Each of them is full of white bones and most of them have a grim smile on their faces.

The body of a famous foreign demon is full of terror, which gives Chang Sun Jing and others the feeling that a group of lions are watching a group of little white rabbits laughing grimly.

In particular, shijialan, the leader, and the seven extraterritorial demons who followed him, the breath of each person was like hundreds of volcanoes gushing.

"Heaven nine God King?" At the same time, to their dismay, they saw an old man wrapped in the light of shijialan, who was the heavenly nine God King.

"I don't think we need to talk to each other." Shi Jialan stops and smiles coldly.

Although Weisuo's words seemed to respect him very much, his tone and expression did not show any respect for him, which made him more angry.

For him, it's a shame for him to bring so many people with him when he can't deal with these despicable creatures. This disgrace must be washed away by the trembling and pleading of his opponent from the spirit. This is the reason why he does not want to kill these people in front of him at once.

"Not necessarily. Hello, Lord Tianjiu. " Wei Suo is a ha ha smile, even to move can not move, like a sacrifice broiler like Tianjiu God King said hello. This call let the heavenly nine God King directly fainted in the past.

"You have brought a lot of people, but what really works is not only you, but also the seven strong men behind you. If you really don't care about anything, you won't have many left even if you win? " After saying hello to Tian Jiu Shen Jun, Wei Suo went on to say without hesitation.

"What are you talking about? We don't have many left here?" Facts have proved that the rank and humility of extraterritorial demons are only in front of people who are better than themselves, but when facing enemies, they do not seem to prohibit words and deeds. It seems not rude to ridicule and ridicule opponents in front of people with higher status. As soon as Weisuo's words were finished, more than half of the extraterritorial demons heard the most funny jokes and laughed wildly Come on.

"If it's in bed, if you take turns on your side, maybe you can turn over some of us." Among the seven extraterritorial demons behind Shi Jialan, one of his white bones looks like a cloud pattern, and the white bones on his legs grow into a sharp blade like shape on the outside. The extraterritorial demons squeeze their eyes at Hunyuan yinwa, who has just transformed.

This foreign demon has a totally amorous look. It seems that Hunyuan yinwa is the most suitable one for him.

"Believe it or not, I can beat you into a pig's head." Han Weiwei's silver teeth were almost broken. After seeing Wei Suo and obtaining Wei Suo's consent, Han Weiwei stepped forward and looked at the man who was at least medium-sized among the seven extraterritorial demons. According to Wei Suo's and Linglong Tian's perception, he was almost three times as good as fairyland, and said mercilessly.

"It's only in the bed you're talking about. But to tell you the truth, I haven't seen your so-called bed in heaven and earth. " The foreign demon immediately burst into laughter.

"Well, I can give you this nun, and then you can ask her to make you a bed." Shi Jialan said such a sentence at this time. The words of this foreign demon seem to make him feel very happy.

"I said," Lord Shi Jialan, in front of so many people, dare you let them have a fair fight in order to prove what I said is true? " Wei Suo just laughed, looked at Shi Jialan and the foreign demon who was laughing, and said seriously, "I can guarantee that everyone around me will open your eyes."

"Let's have a fair fight with me, on the basis of her, with this good looking frock on her?" The foreign demon stopped laughing, looked at Weisuo and Han Weiwei, and showed a meaningful look.

"Dare you?" Weisuo didn't talk nonsense. He just looked at shijialan and all the extraterritorial demons.

"You don't need Lord Addis at all. I can handle her." At the back, a white bone grew on his forehead, and the foreign demon, who was more than ten feet tall, cried out.

"Well, I accept the offer." However, the foreign demon, whose white bones looked like a cloud pattern, waved his hand and stopped the foreign demon, who was only a true immortal, from talking. He looked at Wei Suo and Han Weiwei with a grim smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!