Chapter 1267

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
We can see all the scenes of the blood splashing out of the territory.

For them, there is no difference between them. Except for them, any living creature in Taixu is humble.

But what made the pupils of all these extraterritorial demons shrink in an instant. Linglong sky didn't have any posture to avoid, so she ran straight towards the white bone Ruyi.

The only difference was that she was covered with gray light.

Dao tianru's smile of pride and cunning on his face solidified instantly.

His white bone Ruyi just melted like a layer of snow when it came into contact with the gray light from Linglong sky.

"Devour vitality power?"

When he came back to his senses and found that his strike had not caused any damage to Linglong heaven, Linglong day was less than hundreds of feet away from him.


A miserable white light column spurted out from the mouth of Dao tianru and hit Linglong Tian's body.

Linglong day's figure still did not have any stay, her gray Bracelet kept emitting a gray light, forced to braved this tragic white light column to rush up.

Forced to resist the strong impact, so that her mouth immediately Qin out of purple blood, but this also makes her and Dao tianru closer to less than ten Zhang.


Because he found that at this time, not only his vitality out of the body, but also the vitality in his body were rapidly disappearing into the invisible. He could not even send out any magic power.

All the extraterritorial demons thought it was wrong, but all the people could do nothing, because leaving aside the so-called fair confrontation, the two people were too close. Any powerful magic power in dealing with Linglong heaven must inevitably cause damage to daotianru.

In the face of this scene, Dao tianru has no choice but to hit Linglong Tian with one hand.

Compared with Linglong heaven, daotianru's body shape is equivalent to that of two Linglong days. Moreover, the physical body of extraterritorial demons at his level is extremely powerful, comparable to divine iron.

However, with the sound of "Ka", Linglong Tian also struck with one hand, which made all the foreign demons twitch. What made Linglong Tian's hands seem to be all right, but daotianru's hands were flying with white bones. His whole body was like being hit by a huge hammer, and his whole body was shaking.

Don't wait for Dao Tian to have any superfluous action at all, the foot of Linglong day has been kicked down mercilessly.

Because even Dun Kong can't do it, this foot of Linglong heaven just kicks hard on the top of Dao tianru's head.

All the extraterritorial demons suddenly felt a tingle in their scalp and neck. The sound of "Peng" is like the sound of beating a huge drum, and the whole head of daotianru is kicked to collapse and shrink in daotianru's neck.

"Dong . Dong Dong Dong... "

Linglong day didn't stop at all. His hands and feet kept smashing at the head and heart vein of daotianru, and the dull sound of skin and bone fragmentation reverberated in the void.

Who the hell is this!

Even Dao tianru's magic power is directly annihilated, and even Dao tianru's body can't match her?!

The eyes of all the foreign demons were almost dull.

"Master Shi Jialan, I don't know if you doubt my words at this time. You should also see that it is impossible for your brother to be her opponent. If you really can't hold on to it, you'd better give up and give up At this time, Weisuo said to Shi Jialan again.

“… "A lot of extraterritorial demons almost spit out blood.

Now Dao tianru's head and heart pulse are smashed in a mess. Even if he wants to speak, he can't say it at all. But Wei Suo still says that he can't hold on and admit defeat. Can he still make a voice!


Seeing such a scene, Shi Jialan couldn't bear it any more. She turned her head and looked at Weisuo and gave out a sharp drink. "Do you think that with your little skills, one or two people with some unique talents and powers can frighten us! Amunko, let's have a look, all their conspiracies and calculations are not workable!"

"Yes! Lord shijialan

An extraterritorial demon uttered a low and majestic roar and went out of the crowd.

The extraterritorial demon was extremely massive, and his white bone armor was extremely thick. It seemed that he was wearing a huge white bone lion. He was the one who had received the royal blood given by Shi Jialan.

At the moment, as soon as he swept out, the heat of his body suddenly formed a torrent of hot water, which expanded in all directions.

"I'm afraid this man's physical strength is not weaker than that of Weisuo!" Chang Sun Jing and Yuan Yin Laozu and others all took a cold breath and looked at each other. They all saw the idea from each other's eyes."I can kill all these people by myself!" The extraterritorially burly demon snatched away at the direction of Linglong heaven, which was attacking daotianru continuously, and made a ferocious laugh at the same time.

Weisuo and Nangong Yuqing eyebrows at the same time fierce jump, "I come!" But at this time, a female voice full of dignity is ringing.

"If you say you can kill us all by yourself, then I will fight against you alone and see if you can deal with me." She nodded to Weisuo and Nangong Yuqing, and then she plundered toward the foreign demon.


A purple flying sword with dazzling divine patterns emerged from Nangong Yuqing's body.

"Well, we'll deal with it first! Do you think you can deal with me with this level of flying sword? " Amorco gave a scornful laugh.


But his disdainful laugh almost instantly turned into an unbelievable exclamation.

"Hiss!" All the extraterritorial demons also made the sound of pumping air.

Too much!

The witch has too many flying swords!

Previously, when amunko sneered scornfully, thousands of flying swords had appeared in front of the witch. Although the number of these thousands of flying swords is amazing, amunko naturally doesn't pay attention to it.

But now, the flying sword in front of the witch woman is hundreds of thousands, and it is still growing.

It was as if a gap in the void suddenly opened, forming a huge void storm.

There was nothing else in everyone's sight, only the numerous flying swords.

Even the divine consciousness swept into it was cut into pieces by the flying sword which filled the heaven and earth.


Only between the stagnation of all the extraterritorial demons, the flying swords have reached the size of a million. All these flying swords emit dazzling sword light, turn into a round of purple moonlight, and form a huge waterfall, rushing towards amunko.


Amunko couldn't dodge at all, because the area covered by countless flying swords was so amazing, and the power of so many flying swords was concentrated in one place, which even made him unable to move at all.

At this moment, he could only stretch out his hands and beat the flying sword towards him.

At the beginning, the streamers of purple crescent moon could still be photographed by him. He was also the mainstay of a huge current. However, every purple crescent moon like streamer could bring up a little white star.

His hands were unable to move in the huge waterfall formed by the purple streamer. He just kept the posture of pushing his hands forward and fixing them in the air.

Countless purple streamer impact on his body, it seems that he did not cause any damage, but can bring a little bit of light star.

However, the number of purple streamers is too amazing. Just because each impact brings up this little flying light star on him, his body keeps shrinking like a sand man in the wind.

that is to say, after a few breaths, the terrible purple streamer disappears, and the witch's Zhenyuan can no longer maintain this With the operation of the huge sword array, all the flying swords of the thousand moon wheel all flew back to her body and were taken back by her in nabao ancient ring.

"Is it finally over?"

Almost all the extraterritorial demons had such thoughts in their minds.

It was not until then that they saw amoko again.

The whole body of amunko had only one skeleton left!

His outer white armor, including flesh and blood, had disappeared, and only a massive skeleton was standing in the void.

The vitality of extraterritorial demons is all extremely strong, but such injuries make it difficult for amunko to recover.


Just as all the sword light disappeared in front of the witch, the witch panted slightly. At the same time, there was a burst sound on amunko's body. Then his vitality completely disappeared, and the whole skeleton collapsed.

"Master Shi Jialan, now you should know what I said is good?" At this moment, Weisuo's voice rose again.

At this moment, except for shijialan, all the extraterritorial demons were petrified and their hearts were cold.

They consciously changed themselves, but they could not resist the terrible torrent of flying swords. Maybe the end would be worse than amorko, and they would not even leave any bones.

It's too creepy for them to accept that an alien demon is invincible, but they don't even have the power to fight back. But now it's three powerful figures who have been defeated in a fair fight, and the vitality of the other side is not particularly strong. How can they accept it!

"I didn't expect you to have such strength. It seems that we really want to talk about it." Shi Jialan took a deep breath, looked at Weisuo slowly said, a pair to sit down with Weisuo to talk about the appearance.At this moment, the insidious and cunning of extraterritorial demons is best interpreted.

When Chang Sun Jing and Yuan Yin's ancestor and others heard this sentence, their hearts were relaxed. At the same time, Shi Jialan's hand had already made a black divine light and chopped at the witch goddess!


At the same time, the breath of all extraterritorial demons also exploded like a volcanic eruption.

Shi Jialan is to show a look to talk with Weisuo, but in this moment, he has obviously passed the order secretly, all the extraterritorial demons, work together!

His intention is also very clear, take advantage of the witch goddess Zhen Yuan consumed 7788, first to kill the witch! , the fastest update of the webnovel!