Chapter 1277

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent

A dazzle of light from Weisuo's hands, a peerless air force let everyone in this final end of the airspace are surprised.

This is a breath of awe and awe to all people, and it is the majesty of the real emperor.

Weisuo's heart beat completely stopped in this moment.

He did not expect that after putting these four pieces of Tongtian ancient incense together and penetrating into Zhenyuan, these four pieces of Tongtian ancient incense actually gathered together and gave out light!


All of a sudden, all of a sudden from the void.

The whole void, which has been thoroughly stirred four times, is stirred up again.

"Does Diwei resist these heavenly powers alone?"

The eyes of Weisuo and others were filled with incredible light.

The clear and chilly sound of the road is playing in the void, and the divine light that seems to exist or not emanates from the ancient incense and penetrates into the surrounding void.

For a moment, there was no measure of light and God rowing in the void, fighting.

The emperor's remaining power seemed to feel the danger of destruction. He even wanted to use his own strength to fight against the four heavenly powers and hold the void.


A red light suddenly came out of the void in front of Wei Suo's body, and wrapped up the ancient fragrance in front of Wei Suo's body, as if he wanted to take it away.

Weisuo's heart was startled, but before he could react, there was a flicker of light on the ancient incense. The red light turned into a blood mist, and then into fly ash.

"Ah At the same time, the noumenon of the great power of the barbarians screamed, and his two fingers turned into fly ash.

"Which emperor left this thing? It has such power The noumenon of the great power of the name Huang clan roared. Until this time, Wei Suo and other people responded that he wanted to rob by casting his magic, but he was attacked by Tongtian Guxiang instead. Obviously, the cultivation of emperor Tongtian, even this ancestor level figure, was shocked by his heart.

"It's a pity that it's just a piece of power. I'm still going to die!" The one horned creature's hysterical voice also rang.

A stream of terrifying power has come from all directions.

The sound of Tao and the infinite light emitted from the ancient incense can not resist the four heavenly powers alone, nor can it hold the void.

"Ha "Ha "Ha "Ha!" .

under the influence of the confrontation between the amazing vitality and the power, there are another void gap in the surrounding void, and the void gap which has been extremely huge in the distance seems to be even bigger, and it is also a hot void storm pouring out.


But at this time, Weisuo's mind was suddenly bright, and countless stars seemed to be shooting out of the ancient fragrance, directly into his consciousness level and directly integrated into his divine consciousness.

"The ancient fragrance of Tongtian is really about the inheritance of Tongtian emperor!"

The power of this section of complete Tongtian ancient incense is in exhaustion, unable to compete with Tianwei, but at the moment, it is in his mind, printing the inheritance of Tongtian emperor!

Weisuo's heart and mouth huge earthquake, unexpectedly is in the void, has retreated several steps!

Because the inheritance of emperor Tongtian is too shocking!

"A thought to heaven!"

What emperor Tongtian introduced into his consciousness level was not a specific method or a supreme skill, but the way of heaven and the sense of the unity of heaven and man. It was the emperor Tongtian's comprehension of various rules of vitality!

The reason why the ancestor of the wild people and the one horned demon is terrible is not because of their true yuan cultivation, but because of their understanding of the law of vitality.

A great emperor level character, even if trapped in the body of a real immortal, can evolve into an unimaginable realm of law.

Since ancient times, no one has been able to pass down the consciousness level, except that Da Neng, the ancestor of the Huang nationality, has separated the body of complete consciousness.

However, the great emperor is the great emperor, and the great emperor of Tongtian turned his perception of the law of vitality into a way of heaven and man, and passed it down.

The same flower blooming in front of your eyes, anyone will feel different about this flower.

In the same way, different friars have totally different perceptions of the law of heaven and earth.

However, the emperor Tongtian turned his own knowledge into Wei Suo's knowledge. Compared with the communication between Dali Tian and Wei Suo's original intention, he printed a resolution in Wei Suo's mind. I don't know how many times more powerful he was.

"No wonder it's called Tongtian Guxiang."

At this moment, Wei Suo was so shocked that he even felt that the ancient fragrance of Tongtian was named by the Emperor himself. Because this is really the most powerful inheritance, a real step to the sky!


The light on the ancient incense began to go out. This section of startling ancient incense began to turn into ashes like ordinary burning incense. The Tao sound of the boundless light and vibration dissipated in the void, and the incomparable Tianwei continued to roll down towards Weisuo and others like a piece of universe."Weisuo Han Weiwei, shuilinger, Jiya and others all yelled at Weisuo.

This is the last moment, perhaps in the next breath, they and their loved ones, will turn into dust in the void.

“… "

but at this time, Weisuo still did not embrace them. Waiting for the last moment, his body suddenly turned into three Weisuo!


At the same time, three Weisuo's body, is also issued at the same time a track sound, a ribbon of mixed gold light lines, from his body.

Three huge golden ships suddenly materialized above the heads of the three weissors.

"How could it be!"

The essence of the great power of the barbarians, shijialan and unicorn demons all screamed in their hearts.

Han Weiwei and shuilinger and others don't know how Weisuo suddenly turns into three at this moment, but they all feel it. Weisuo turns out to be two real immortals in this moment.

From the perception of the three of them, we have already felt that Wei Suo's skills and techniques are very unique. Different from ordinary friars, Wei Suo's ability to separate into two real immortals can't frighten them at this level. What makes them scared is the speed of his casting!

The casting speed of these three weisuos is exactly the same, which is basically equivalent to the speed of a monk reading Sansheng.

This can only be done by people who have realized the law of vitality and their own vitality and spiritual consciousness.

Among all the barbarians, only the ancestors of the thirty-two armed and three headed barbarians could do it!

In other words, this is the real emperor, the control of the road!

"This This is the space-time domain However, Wei Suo's shock to them did not stop. At this time, whether it was the wild clan's powerful noumenon, shijialan or Unicorn demon, they felt that everything between heaven and earth, their thinking and reaction wrapped up were all completely slowed down!

Weisuo's three huge mixed gold roulettes are like the wheel in charge of the time and space of the universe. They are slowly pushed by Weisuo and controlled by Weisuo!

"Hunyuan Golden Wheel Wanyu magic Hunyuan is determined! This is the supreme powerful method recorded on the gold mixed fragment

It wasn't until the three huge mixed gold roulettes of Weisuo were completely evolved, and everything slowed down completely, which suddenly occurred to the witch in her mind.

And her thinking became very slow at this time.

In the time that the thought flashed through her mind, weisseau had done many movements in a row.

His figure swam around the periphery of all the people in Weisuo's side, one by one, the divine lights kept coming out of his hands.

Every divine light from his hands, there is a pressing power he pulled out.

In the perception that all the people, such as Jiya, became extremely slow, all the disordered heavenly powers that came from all directions were like the magic light flowing arrows. However, Weisuo grasped each divine light flow arrow when it fell, and then flew out.

Wei Suo's vital energy is also in the intense consumption, but between each breath, there will be countless light lines appear outside his body, forming a group of colorful Shenxia, there will be countless star vitality, directly from the void into his body.

At the same time, Weisuo did not point out the light stars from time to time, hitting the body of the 32 armed barbarian powerful. Every light star he made was very similar to the light star made by Huang clan's powerful body. Once he hit it, he broke a hole in silence. And a stream of vitality, not his scour, directly Qin out, involved in his body.

Under this amazing consumption, his vitality fluctuates, and his cultivation is still rising!

This gives people the feeling that unless the body of the 32 armed barbarian can completely melt away, his cultivation will stop rising.

Weisuo is the only one who can resist the four forces of Tianwei, and can still support it!

"Kill him!"

Almost at the same time, the wild race's powerful body, shijialan and unicorn demons all roared violently. The three powerful beings actually stood on the same front and tried to exhaust their last strength. They came to Wei Suo's death in the Qi and Qi dynasties.

In this moment, Weisuo became the most terrible existence among the four sides. They all know that if Weisuo is allowed to evolve in this way, the rest will be weissou.


The immortal sound like a Qin sounds, like a sword cut out of the void, and directly in everyone's heart.

All the people saw that there was a gap in Shi Jialan's eyebrows, and he immediately flew out.

"How do you..."

Shi Jialan, with his face full of disbelief and unwillingness, seems to be unable to understand. In this case, he would be directly defeated by Weisuo!"Shua!"

The single horn on the top of the unicorn was no longer there, but at this time, a single horn like purple black light was coming out in front of Weisuo's body, rolling dozens of space cracks, forming a rotating knife wheel, and hanging towards Weisuo.

At the same time, hundreds of indigo blue and dark gold deities pierced through Weisuo's body and shot at him one by one. , the fastest update of the webnovel!