Chapter 34

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
the second day.

Sleep overnight, exhausted, the whole person looks energetic.

As soon as he got out of the inn, he saw two luxury carriages stop at the door. As soon as the curtain of the door was lifted, Wang Lingyun jumped down from the luxury carriage and said, "brother, don't rush so fast. I specially rented two carriages."

Indeed, it's much more comfortable to take a carriage if you don't have to rush. Moreover, it's such a luxurious carriage.

Lin Tianyu nodded.

Wang Lingyun also said: "elder brother wants to go to the magic fog forest, just passed by qingsang city. It's better to settle down at the Wangs' house in qingsang city and have a rest for one night."

Then he looked forward to it.

"Well, go to qingsang city first. How long is it from here to qingsang city? "

Wang Lingyun was pleasantly surprised and said: "take a carriage and go. In the evening, you can arrive at qingsang city. I'm going to send a message home and let the family arrange a wine party to receive the elder brother

Lin Tianyu's heart leaped: when he went to visit his brother's house, he even asked his family to arrange a wine banquet. This scale is too grand, isn't it?

Is this necessary?

If you look at Wang Lingyun's posture, it's a luxury carriage and an invitation you're looking forward to. It seems that it's not just simply asking yourself to sit down in the past.

But what else is the purpose?

After thinking about it, he got nothing, and Lin Tianyu no longer worked for this God. After all, the boat will go straight to the bridge. Besides, from Wang Lingyun's look, it can be clearly seen that he has no bad heart for himself. He only hopes that he can go to his home to have a seat. The surprise should be that after he arrived at his family, he asked for something.

However, he is so young, what can he ask for himself?

Talk less, the carriage on the road, all the way nothing.

Lin Tianyu is still in the carriage. He finds the most comfortable position to sit on. He opens one of the footwork martial arts books and reads it carefully. While reading carefully, the side in the mind reference, practice. But between the exercises, it seems that there are gains, but also seemingly specious. After all, compared with the sabre technique, it is quite different. The knife technique is based on the bone removing Sabre technique, which can be said to have a deep foundation, but the footwork is completely the same. If you start from scratch and learn slowly, how can you compare it to the same?

It was almost noon, the whole secret collection was just the first time to learn it, and then, I practiced it carefully in my mind, but it was not clear.

Lin Tianyu had to stop the carriage.

Just after getting off the carriage, Wang Lingyun also jumped off the carriage and said, "elder brother, why don't you go?"

Lin Tianyu said: "just learned the door footwork martial arts, I don't know how to learn in the end, stop to verify."

"Elder brother is so diligent that he never forgets martial arts when he sits in the carriage."

At the same time, I can't help shaking: no wonder the elder brother can become a disciple of the cold star gate at a young age. If he is not so diligent, can he be valued by the cold star sect and be accepted as an inner disciple? If you have been so diligent, you will be able to make great achievements in the future. Maybe you can reach the peak of Tianquan.

Thinking that in the future, Wang Lingyun was excited to have such a powerful elder brother. At the same time, he said: the footwork that can make elder brother so diligent in learning must be extremely brilliant footwork. If you watch carefully, you may get something.

But what kind of brilliant extreme footwork will it be?

Wang Lingyun looked envious and said, "elder brother, what kind of brilliant footwork did you just learn?"

Lin Tianyu was stunned. Then he saw Wang Lingyun's expectant look on his face and said with a smile: "which is the brilliant footwork? It's just some of the most basic basic footwork."

"No way?"

"It's some basic footwork. Don't believe it, you see." With that, Lin Tianyu handed over two footwork secrets.

Wang Lingyun took over the two footwork secrets, but didn't react. After waiting for a meeting, Wang Lingyun asked in a expectant way: "elder brother - I, really can, look through."

You should know, martial arts secret collection, which school, not humble, never easy to show people. Although big brother is generous, take out the secret collection easily and give it to himself, but if you really want to open it, it's not very good, right?

But Lin Tianyu nodded: "if you want to see it, you can see it."

Hearing the affirmative reply, Wang Lingyun was excited and opened his elder brother's footwork. Even when he was sitting in the carriage, he was obsessed and did not forget to learn the footwork.

What kind of brilliant footwork is it?

Hua Hua Hua

Page by page, how come they are just the most basic footwork?

A burst of disappointment in his eyes: it seems that even though he is a sworn brother, the elder brother has hidden his hand.

He closed his footwork script and looked at Lin Tianyu, who was practicing footwork in an open place on the road.


Wang Lingyun wiped his eyes in disbelief.

That's right!

The footwork that elder brother Lin Tianyu is practicing is indeed the basic footwork that he has just looked over. What's more, it seems like, as if, he is still very unfamiliar with his practice. He has just learned.That's ridiculous!

On the Bank of the small lake, the elder brother fought two killers with three layers of body refining and five layers of body refining. Finally, he killed the ruthless people captured all his life. How could his martial arts be so weak.

Didn't you even learn this basic footwork?

What's more, if the martial arts skills are so weak, how can we let the cold star gate look after them and accept them as their inner disciples?

It doesn't work at all!

I can't understand at all. Wang Lingyun simply went to see the footwork that Lin Tianyu is practicing. Isn't it? It's a kind of excellent footwork, but I don't have a good eye for it?

However, this is clearly the most basic footwork!

However, looking at it, Wang Lingyun could not help but shrink his eyes.

It's true. After careful observation, it's just a basic footwork. What's more, his elder brother Lin Tianyu is also aware that his first practice is stumbling.

However, from the beginning of practice, to now, only how long, half an hour, no, should be only a quarter of an hour more. However, the footwork of the first practice has passed through the initial stage of exploration and now it has completely reached the level of small success.

If the time is longer, if it takes half a day, one day or two days, will it not be a great success or even a complete one?

This progress, too terrible!

At this time, from a distance, a "get" horse's hooves sound, from far to near, in an instant, to near.

Then, from the back of the horse, four men in household clothes jumped down, each carrying a big food box. After walking a few steps, he said to Wang Lingyun: "master Yun, the master is afraid of the young master and the young Xia Lin. on the way, there are no people and there is no good place to eat. So he specially sent villains to deliver some good food."

With that, they spread out a large white cloth, and from the four big food boxes, layer by layer, took out the delicious dishes, and put them full.

When the four arrived, Lin Tianyu had already stopped practicing and came over.

Wang Lingyun said: "elder brother, this is the food that my father specially sent to send. In the wild, I will eat and eat."

"Thank you, uncle."

He was polite in his mouth, but he said in his heart, "I'll make do with it. This standard is better than the regular wine feast in many families.".