Chapter 53

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
All the way out, finally did not encounter any twists and turns, until the sky completely dark down, a line of more than a dozen people is out of the magic fog forest. Then, in the night, he lit a torch and went all the way to Zhenmo town.

After a short walk into Zhenmo Town, Mr. Liao said, "young Xia Lin, this is where I am. If you take it easy, you can treat him in our he's medicine shop. In ten days, half a month at the most, you will be returned a complete Wang Shaoxia. "

Along the way, from Mr. Liao's talk, we also know he's pharmacy. It is indeed an old brand in Zhenmo Town, and the level of medical skills is well-known.

Lin Tianyu nodded his head and said, "I'll trouble Mr. Liao. Ling Yun, we'll live in the he's medicine shop. "

"It's up to you."

Several hands, stretcher into he's pharmacy.

After putting Wang Lingyun on the bed and settling down, uncle Liao took another look at Wang Lingyun's injury, and then took a targeted oral medicine sold by he's family and fed it to Wang Lingyun. In addition to the healing effect, there is also a slight anesthetic pain relief. Later, uncle Liao personally selected several kinds of herbs, mashed them, drained out the juice, and then mixed them with water into a paste, which was evenly applied to Wang Lingyun's wound. Then he found a clean white cloth and wrapped it carefully.

At this time, more than a dozen disciples gathered outside and talked about the trip of collecting herbs.

What kind of good medicinal materials have you collected? After passing through the territory of the black devil tiger, eating the meat of the black devil tiger, and the thrilling experience of the black backed wolf territory

Chatting, someone suddenly said:

"do you think young Xia Lin is a great master

"How could it be? It looks a lot younger than all of us. "

"But I think he is a great master. Otherwise, who killed the black tiger

No one can refute such a rhetorical question. The young disciples under discussion were quiet for a long time.

"I also think that young Xia Lin is not only an expert, but also a first-class Super Master."


"Do you remember passing through the territory of the wolf? At that time, we were clearly surrounded by the wolf, and we were in danger. But then, the wolf turned around and ran away. It was obvious that he was scared and ran away. He also howled and called his companions to escape together. What do you think this is? "

"Why, you mean, it has something to do with that young Xia Lin. Impossible? Can he be so powerful? "

"Is it because of Lin, I'm not sure. However, judging from the situation when we were surrounded, it was clear that the wolves would do us harm. Then, young Xia Lin came up to us, drew a knife, and then made a hard push back. Do you remember the loud bang. It was after the "Qiang" sound that young Xia Lin stood in front of us and looked straight at the wolf. Then, the wolf ran away in dismay. In this way, do you still think that it has nothing to do with young Xia Lin that the wolf's fleeing in terror? "

"Yes, first there was the body of the black tiger, and then there was the escape of the wolf."

"Is it true that young Xia Lin is a great Super Master?"

Some of them nodded involuntarily and said, "I'm afraid that's what it is."

There are still a few people, although they have not nodded, but their eyes also twinkle with bright little stars.

"No. I'm going to find young Xia Lin and ask him to take me as his apprentice. "

"Don't go. It's so late. He has to take care of Wang Shaoxia and have a rest. Where can we get the time. I will go, and I will go tomorrow. "

"Mm-hmm, yes, yes. I will go early tomorrow morning. Even if I can't be accepted as an apprentice, he has to teach some unique skills."

"Good! We'll go together tomorrow! "

Several teenagers meet, eyes inside, full of excitement.

The next morning, Lin Tianyu got up and looked at Wang Lingyun and washed his face. Then he took rice porridge with the right temperature and fed him a spoon.

At this time, several teenagers' heads appeared at the door of the room.

LAN's younger martial sister stepped forward and said, "young Xia Lin, let's feed Wang Shaoxia."

"No, I'll feed myself."

"How can this work?" LAN's younger sister's eyes turned and said, "this is the rule of he's pharmacy. If you don't feed the injured patients with food, you'll escape your responsibility. If the master knows about it, we'll all be dismissed."


"It's true, of course. If you don't believe it, ask me those senior brothers and sisters. " Lan said, looking back, blinking.

After a few teenagers, busy even voice way: "is true, LAN younger sister said is true."

Lin Tianyu had no choice but to smile and say, "OK. Ling Yun, let them feed you. " Said, handed the bowl to LAN junior sister.

Looking at LAN's younger sister carefully feeding Wang Lingyun, and then scrubbing, Lin Tianyu said: "Lingyun, I'll go to the back yard to practice my martial arts skills. If you have something, call me directly.""Big brother, go ahead. I'm fine."

In the courtyard, Lin Tianyu did not rush to practice martial arts. Instead, he sat down on a stone mound in the yard, closed his eyes, and thought about it carefully. After some experience in the magic fog forest, he learned how to fight the wolves and the black magic tigers. What are the subtleties, what are the mistakes, and how to improve the shortcomings

After thinking about it for half an hour, Lin opened his eyes and saw that a dozen or so teenagers were standing in a quiet place not far away from him. He was afraid that he might be disturbed. This meeting, see oneself open an eye, they just one by one full of hope to look over.

"Come on, what's the matter?"

From LAN junior sister to find a reason to rob feed rice, we know that they have something to ask for.

LAN's younger martial sister stepped forward and said, "young Xia Lin, we want to worship you as our teacher."

"I don't take apprentices."

More than a dozen people in the opposite side were nervous.

Lin Tianyu looked at all the people's expressions and said with a laugh, "however, if you don't know anything about martial arts, I can give you some advice."

Listening to Lin Tianyu's words, all the talents were relieved.

LAN junior sister busy way: "thank you, young Xia Lin!"

Others followed: "thank you, young Xia Lin!"

Lin Tianyu got up and said, "however, I'm going to practice my martial arts in the morning, and I'll give you some advice in the afternoon. Of course, you can watch while I practice martial arts. "

Hearing this, you can watch young Xia Lin practice his martial arts skills. His face turns red with excitement.

Lin Tianyu went to the middle of the yard, but a dozen or so teenagers let them go around the yard and left the field out.


The black sword came out of the scabbard, and then the knife in Lin Tianyu's hand was cut out.

One move is intermingled with each other. In the three newly learned Sabre scripts, each move is more coherent and natural.

Whoosh, whoosh

Brush brush

Whoosh, whoosh

The whole figure is like the wind and dancing, black light flying, sprinkled all over the courtyard.

Sometimes it's dark, sometimes it's straight forward, sometimes it's leaning on the knife to coagulate the power, and it's like breaking out

Moving or static, or advancing or retreating, the footwork is mellow, and the courtyard is full of freedom

"Have you found out that the most common skills of young Xia Lin are just some basic Sabre moves."

"Yes, and the footwork is also very basic. At most, it is the same level as the footwork we usually practice."

In fact, there is a hidden meaning in this saying, which is not fully expressed. This footwork is inferior to the footwork they usually practice.

"Can you become a master of these things?"

"Could we have guessed wrong yesterday?"
