Chapter 99

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Huang Shixiong is also at a loss: who can defend such a knife?

Lin Tianyu is also at a loss: the last second, he seems to be completely integrated into the wind. Step out, as if there is no extra resistance, so float out. However, even without the wind resistance, it should not be able to consume any strength. However, Lin Tianyu clearly felt that his whole strength would be exhausted if there were two times like that. Of course, another 10000 times, Lin Tianyu can not guarantee that he can still enter that wonderful realm. It seems that, at all, it is not something that he can touch at this level. However, since we can have such a time, no matter what, I believe, we can finally have a moment to integrate into that wonderful realm.

Don't say ordinary warriors.

Even, those in the past in the high immortal masters, also most are a face of Leng force like.

However, although there are those who are hesitant and puzzled, there are also those who have bright eyes, as if they have discovered something extraordinary; and those who frown and ponder seem to have gained something.

"Ah! Old boy, it's amazing. It's amazing that a little martial artist can blend into the wind and get the road of popularity and the way to understand the truth. " After coming out from the depths of the magic fog forest, the red faced old man hiding more than ten miles away yelled.

"Make a noise. However, the moment of Epiphany, once in a while, entered that wonderful realm, even the fur in the fur is not counted. " The old boy with white hair said disapprovingly, but his bright eyes had already sold him out completely. "Well," the old man with white hair frowned and then suddenly doubted, "strange! Do you feel it? The boy has a faint breath of black knife. Although the light, but thin a feeling, clearly still can feel out

Red faced old Zheng had a deep feeling and said, "eh! If you don't tell me, you haven't noticed it. "

"If Heidao can pass all the swords to him, and then summon the sword demon society to receive people, it should be a calm arrangement. The black Dao guy should not have been killed. So, all those rumors are totally groundless. " The old boy with white hair said happily.

"No. If the sword is officially passed to him, it should not be so light. " Red face worried again.

"Anyway, we have to keep a good eye on this boy!"

Thinking about the wonderful state just now, Lin Tianyu was so excited. Although, it is estimated that if he can enter the realm twice, he will completely consume all his physical strength; although, he may not be able to enter that realm again; however, just thinking about the effect of that realm, he can't help being excited. I have to thank Huang Shixiong very much. It was in the challenge arena that I had such a big surprise.

"Thank you! Thank you, Lin Tianyu. " Huang Shixiong was stunned and said excitedly.

Thank me? Thank you for beating you? Lin Tianyu is confused.

"Originally, the reputation of the first swordsman was full of doubts. But the last knife, but let me firmly believe. However, he and the first swordsman fought for nearly half an hour on the challenge arena and under the attention of the public. It is bound to be an indelible glorious achievement in the whole course of my life in the future. "

Well, there seems to be a little bit of truth.

When they got off the challenge arena and entered the dressing room, many of them were busy and put on Jinchuang medicine.