Chapter 106

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Not long after that, he went to Lin Tianyu's challenge arena again.

On the challenge arena, Lin Tianyu suddenly felt a ferocious and murderous spirit. He rushed forward in front of him and looked like a demon snake that ate people.

Ding Yuan, the magic sword.

"You are also the first swordsman?"

Bang! The bloody magic sword is scabbard and refers to Lin Tianyu.

Lin Tianyu stood tall, and the scabbard of his left hand was horizontal, "fight!" Although there is no strong and heavy blooded murderous spirit like Ding Yuan, it is not weak in momentum.

Whoa! With a flash of blood, Ding Yuan's magic knife was slashed. Lin Tianyu's feet moved and he gave way.

Bang! The black sword comes out of its sheath and twists. Dang! One touch is the parting.

The black knife sank, turned over and lifted up. It took two small steps to let Ding Yuan pass the magic knife in his hand. Step around and cut back. Ding Yuan half side, brush! Dang! A knife reverses and intersects, and the momentum is heavy. However, after a slight touch, the black Dao in Lin Tianyu's hand changed again.

When the light of the sword flashes continuously, sometimes it touches lightly, sometimes it doesn't receive it, sometimes it changes, sometimes it repeatedly strikes

The sword light and human shadow are interlaced and intersected. The red and black colors are interwoven and twinkling. In a flash, there are more than 20 moves.

Dang! The two men exchanged another move, and each of them retreated half a step. They locked their eyes on each other and forced the enemy. At this time, the two look cautious, look at each other, do not dare to be a little distracted.

The magic sword Ding Yuan said: "in this way, it's worth to be my opponent."

Lin Tianyu said, "are you serious?"

Ding Yuan Ning eyes do not speak, eyes locked on Lin Tianyu, but the meaning is clear.

Lin Tianyu said: "just right. I also want to try the real magic knife

After saying that, the black knife flashed and attacked Ding Yuan's chest. Blood color. The magic Saber's horizontal force is sealed. Move half a step, turn the blade, and then cut the black sword. At this time, Lin Tianyu can see clearly that the loopholes in the flank, left shoulder and back of the magic knife have been revealed. Whoosh! The black knife moves back and stabs the left shoulder obliquely. At the same time, toward the right front, side step, the magic knife let in the outer door. The magic knife quickly whirled back.

Ding! Just a touch. With the black knife spinning again, Lin Tianyu squatted slightly and chopped the right leg of the magic knife.

As soon as he had a fight with the magic knife, the black Dao's blade was lifted again and stabbed his abdomen.

The magic sword returns to seal, Ding Yuan retreats half step.

Lin Tianyu made a big stride, almost all of them stepped to the back of Ding Yuan's side, and cut lightly with a knife.


Ding Yuan's back clothes are broken. However, at last, Ding Yuan, a ruthless man who rushed out of the killing and felling, was incomparable. When he realized that he was not right, he quickly let him go. Therefore, he only left a small hole on his back that was not harmful. If it were not for Ding Yuan, a first-class player who has been trained and nearly instinctively sensitive to the way of killing, I'm afraid that just that knife would have completely locked in the victory.

Ding Yuan looks back.

The distance between the two is only three steps away. They are all the swords in their hands, and their power presses the opponent.

But just now, Lin Tianyu obviously did not take advantage of the situation to lock in the victory. Equivalent to slightly let Ding Yuan half move.

Ding Yuan's face was dignified. Although his fierce fighting spirit was still hard to hide in his eyes, there was a touch of careless caution.

A few breaths, two people double knife, once again to fight together.

In a flash, there are more than 20 moves. Although the time between the twinkling of the knife light is shorter, the battle situation between the two can be more intense than before.

Ding Yuan's every knife, compared with the front between the fierce, but more careful. Most of the time, they are half attacking and retreating. They don't wait for the old Dao style to be used, and the Dao moves have changed. If such a series of changes, if not for the innumerable killing and tempering, it is absolutely impossible to control the knife out so continuously in such a short time.