Chapter 115

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Crazy knife a Yang steel knife, way: "start."

Then, with the flash of knife light, people move with the steps. Lin Tianyu, sliding step, turning knife, Dang! The wind of the dancing forest disappeared.

Whoosh -- Ding -- Dang -- brush -- whoosh --

blare. Sometimes the knife is crossed, sometimes the person moves. In a short period of time, they have each shot at least 50 times. Lin Tianyu knew that he would have been hurt by Wu Linfeng several times if he had not practiced in the arena several times before. Unless the hand is used, that is, the bone removing Sabre technique. With the sword technique, the rhythm of crazy Dao's Footwork will be disturbed, and his footwork will be powerless. Directly rely on the sword, win the dance forest wind.

More than 50 moves, although still not defeated, but all of them are allowed to dance Lin Feng, driving the rhythm. If Dao Dao was not better than Shu Chi, he would have been defeated for a long time. In the long run, where are the winning numbers?

No way!

Footwork, martial arts. Since the martial arts skills are weak, why can't we attack the weak points like the sabre technique? If you apply your own sword skills and Dao concepts to footwork, if you use them properly, you will surely be able to achieve remarkable results.

If you use your own footwork, if you follow the loopholes or weaknesses of the opponent's footwork, how can you not disturb the rhythm of your opponent's Footwork?

As long as the opponent's Footwork rhythm is disordered, isn't there a chance to take advantage of it?

Knife path, used in footpath?

Lin Tianyu's spirit is more and more concentrated, but where is the loophole?

If we can't grasp the loopholes, how can we go against them?

The crazy knife's foot just moved, and Lin Tianyu followed.


Although Lin Tianyu failed to grasp the loophole at all, he had to follow suit subconsciously. But Wu Lin Feng was shocked: This is almost traceless, stepping into the dead corner of the footwork, he can even keep up with it? There are many people who can beat us in martial arts competition; there should be a lot of those who can beat us with skillful footwork. But is this still the opponent who has just been led round and round by himself?



Both of them hesitated and stopped for half an instant before they waved their swords to each other and sympathized with Weng Ming.

Lin Tianyu's spirit is becoming more and more concentrated In the whole brain and eyes, there is nothing else except the footwork of the opponent's crazy knife.

Poof! Dang!

In the follow-up, the dance Lin Feng faintly noticed Lin Tianyu's state and footwork frequency, deliberately a sluggish. After driving Lin Tianyu to a standstill, he cut with a knife. Between the two swords, a small piece of cuff was cut off.


Wu Lin Feng cheered in his heart.

After a while, Wu Linfeng cut off several pieces of Lin Tianyu's clothes. It's been a long battle!

However, it took a little longer.

Wu Linfeng was more and more surprised.

although he could still cut off a piece of clothes occasionally, it seemed to be winning. However, in the driving of footwork, the effect of time-varying fast, slow and time-delay is getting weaker and weaker. It is more and more difficult to cut off the opponent's clothes. Lin Tianyu's footwork is becoming more and more flexible and indistinct, which coincides with his own footwork. If it wasn't for every tiny progress that Wu Linfeng had seen with his own eyes, he would have doubted that Lin Tianyu had learned his own footwork. Otherwise, his footwork and his own step, although still specious, but also quite a bit charm. Who can make such progress in such a short period of time on top of his proud footwork?