Chapter 131

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
At this time, two senior brothers, Wang Lin, MI Tongtian, and Wang Lingyun, Yunlan and many others, all met.

Elder martial brother Wang Lin said: "younger martial brother Tianyu, since we have reached the edge of the magic fog forest here, younger martial brother Tongtian and I have decided to advance to the magic fog forest to experience some experience, and then return to the sect."

Lin Tianyu said, "two elder martial brothers, go to experience first. At the same time, I also plan to go into the magic fog forest for training. When the experience is over, we will go back to the sect together. "

"Younger martial brother Tianyu also wants to go to the magic fog forest. It's better to go together." Mitong Tiandao: "there will be more care, it will be much safer."

"No, two elder martial brothers. I want to experience in the magic fog forest by myself."

The rice Tongtian still needs to be said. Wang Lin pulls rami Tongtian and shakes his head.

Any great achievers, who is not from all kinds of life and death experience to break out? If Lin Tianyu was young, he would have achieved what he is today. Would he be willing to be mediocre, or would he like to hide under the wing of others? When Wang Lin pulled the rice to the sky, he figured out the key. No more persuasion, let Lin Tianyu walk with them.

He agreed with Lin Tianyu that after he came out of the magic fog forest, he would still meet with him at this inn, and then parted ways.

On his way, elder martial brother mitongtian touched his right hand and three secret books appeared in his hand. Elder martial brother Mitong handed the secret collection to Lin Tianyu and said: "these are the three top-level Sabre scripts that I have tried to find before the Qi training period. They will be useless in the future. They will be given to younger martial brother."

Lin Tianyu subconsciously took over the secret collection, and then curiously asked, "elder martial brother MI, how did you suddenly produce three secret books?"

Cloud LAN and many two people, also full of surprise. However, Wang Lingyun's eyes were flashing and envious, but obviously, he knew what was going on. As the son of the patriarch of qingsangcheng family, he has great insight.

But the two elder martial brothers laughed.

Wang Lin said, "it's not made of it, it's taken from the Najie."

Wang Lin said and put the ring on his right hand in front of Lin Tianyu to let him have a look.


Lin Tianyu was excited.

After killing the bandit boss that day, he once hung a ring around his neck. He always felt that the ring should have an extraordinary origin, but he didn't know its real purpose. He just hung it on the neck of heaven in a similar way. Now, that ring is still hanging around his neck.

Is it possible that That is to say, the same Najie as the two senior brothers can't be achieved.

Lin Tianyu thought, his eyes were shining.

Seeing that Lin Tianyu was stunned and did not speak for a long time, Wang Lin thought he was shocked by the magic of accepting the ring. Then he explained.

Najie, also known as storage ring, has its own space, which can hold articles. It is the only choice for carrying articles when traveling. At the same time, Najie can be divided into low-level, middle-level, high-level and top-level according to the space size and stability. Of course, each level of Najie is also different. If 10 meters square and below, are low-level Najie, but three feet square and ten meters square, the value can be the same?

Of course, in addition to the graded Najie, there is also a non graded Najie. All of these commandments mentioned above need to be cultivated and opened with one's own divine consciousness. There is also a kind of blood drop to accept the precepts, without divine knowledge, as long as the blood to recognize the Lord. Usually, this kind of Najie is specially prepared for the descendants who have not yet entered the level of practitioners.