Chapter 143

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
However, just a few laughs, this laughter suddenly, was scared to a sudden stop.

Just feel a cold air into the heart and spleen.

Looking along the induction, I saw a young man with a black knife standing on his face not far away from the opposite side with a face full of murderous spirit. Although the cultivation is not yet in the late stage of physical training, all the people in Fahrenheit medicine shop are shivering at the sight.

At this time, the young man with a black knife in his hand swept over and swept over the seven or eight people in the opposite direction. The people in the opposite side dodged for a while and were silent.

The young man holding a black knife turned his eyes to the boy named Wu and said, "Wu, do you want to challenge me again? Come and die

Wu's young man dodged his eyes and did not dare to answer a word.

"Master, I'll come," said Yun LAN! It's enough for me to deal with him. Why do you do it yourself? "

Lin Tianyu took a look at Yunlan and understood her mind at once. Although she was not happy with this elder martial brother Wu, she didn't want to let him die. Now, Lin Tianyu is in such a state that he is afraid to kill him directly. Lin Tianyu looked at Yun LAN, and finally nodded and put away his black knife.

Yun LAN stepped forward two steps, pointed at the Wu youth, and said, "you come out!"

Wu youth subconsciously took two steps forward, but immediately reacted: you let me come out and come out? His face was red with swelling.

Bang! Whoa!

Wu's young man angrily pulled out the knife and chopped it toward Yunlan.


The light of the sword flashed in front of him. The tip of the sharp sword was already on his chest. The young man of the surname of Wu cut the sword into the air and could not fall down again. At the same time, she was shocked: how long has it been since I saw her sword? How could she become so terrible?

Cloud LAN full face frost, way: "surname Wu, apologize, or die." With that, the tip of the sword gently sent forward.

"Ah! Elder martial sister LAN, spare your life "I apologize, I apologize, LAN younger martial sister, it's all my fault, I'm talking nonsense," Wu said

"Remember, don't call me sister LAN again. I don't have a senior brother like you."

"Yes, yes, yes, I know. I will never dare to call again."

"Go away!" LAN younger martial sister said and took the sword.

Wu surname youth dare not say a word more, hastily pulled other a few people, leave together.

Wu took a few steps and then turned back: "since you let me go once, I will tell you a message for free. The three people of the famous sword clan are inquiring about your trace in the forest of magic fog. Be careful." Having said that, a few people left quickly.

Many a good strange way: "the surname Wu will be so kind to tell us the news?"

Wang Lingyun said: "he is not kind-hearted, but he can't find a place in us. He deliberately told us the news, which made us feel more frustrated. However, although it is to add to my heart, it is also a very useful news to us

A lot of people think about it and suddenly say, "so it is."

Then there was a moment of silence. The three masters of the famous sword clan are all real immortal masters. If they face them head-on, with the strength of their own four people, they can't even run away. Is it because of the so-called three people of the famous sword clan, the four of them ended their experience in the magic fog forest and fled back? But if not, what better way? That's a real immortal master. For ordinary martial arts like them, the word "immortal master" is too heavy.