Chapter 189

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Simultaneous interpreting what Zhou Chuanhong had been told, he asked, "Lin Hong, did you get anything?"

Lin Hong's heart is tight, that just directly into the brain of things certainly not, although Zhou Chuanhong is good to him, but also can not leak. Otherwise, there may be some unexpected disaster.

So Lin Hong thought about it and said, "it's strange. Just after entering the room, there was a voice talking in my mind. Let me show him a set of sabre techniques. However, when I really started dancing, I only had three moves. Before I knew what was going on, I was immediately passed on. "

Why only three moves? It would be nice to be able to dance three moves of sabre technique without any hesitation or delay.

Zhou Chuanhong's eyes were cold. Then, without saying anything, he just patted Lin Hong on the shoulder and walked away.

Back in zongmen, Lin Hong began to practice the grey level secret collection.

Before, although I entered the sect, I didn't get any useful martial arts secrets. It's not worth the cost of cultivation. Of course, it's not impossible to get the secret collection, but it requires that the disciples earn enough contribution points to exchange. However, it will take at least three or five years, or even longer, to earn a contribution point with the work of a factotum to exchange for a copy of the lowest level of cultivation. What's more, it took several years, even more than ten years to practice hard, but it could barely be cultivated to the middle stage of Qi training. It's amazing. In such a waste of time, the best period of cultivation has already passed. In the clan, it is very difficult for the servant disciples to follow the sect and do it step by step. In the end, it is very difficult for them to make great achievements.

Now, with this grey level secret collection from the secret place of black sword, you have to practice it.

In the next three years, he did not make any progress.

However, in the past three years, I have gradually found out the root of the grey level secret collection, which is a set of sabre techniques. The skill is hidden in the sabre technique. Cultivating Sabre skill is just like practicing martial arts. At that time, the chore was to eviscerate the monster. Therefore, when eviscerating, he gradually integrated the knife technique in the grey level secret collection. Finally, one day, I suddenly got into a very strange feeling. Then, when I woke up, I found that I had reached the tenth floor of body training in such a muddleheaded way.

After that, I entered the strange feeling several times.

Then, in half a year, it crossed the first and second layers of Qi training, and then broke through to the third layer. If it has been such a breakthrough, to now, even if it has not entered the Yuan Ying, it should be not far from the difference.

Half a year later, Zhou Chuanhong suddenly went to Lin Hong and said that there was another secret place. He invited him to explore it.

Thinking of Lin Hong as an elder relegated relative, and having the good thing of exploring the secret land, he still has not forgotten his servant disciple, who has something to do with him.

They went out in the morning and went all day.

At dusk, there is a cliff.

Zhou Chuanhong said that the journey is still far away, so he should have a rest here for one night and then go on the road at dawn. At the same time, from the ring out of the prepared food, and Lin Hong share to eat. Just half eaten, Lin Hong suddenly felt abdominal pain. If you want to ask Zhou Chuanhong what's wrong with the food, you see a flash of human shadow. Zhou Chuanhong comes to the front of him. Without saying a word, he raises his hand and slaps Lin Hong's internal organs seriously. Then, he interrupted several joints and meridians of Lin Hong, and then stopped.

At this time, Zhou Chuanhong calmly walked to Lin Hong and said, "know why I deal with you?"