Chapter 276

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
To understand these, Lin Tianyu felt his muscles all over his body, which he could not help tightening.

If now, this cold breath to kill themselves, only a thought is enough.

Heart faint anger, unyielding, gradually ferment, roar to come out. However, Lin Tianyu can only do his best to suppress, let the mood without waves, let the mind calm.

Strength, strength, I want unlimited strength! Never allow to have this again, as long as a person with the manual finger, you can crush their own ants like feeling.

The other three breath, after a careful circle in the sea of knowledge, came out of the body one after another and dissipated into the invisible.

Only that cold breath, in the sea of knowledge, inch by inch after the examination, and in his whole body swimming for a week. Then, he went deep into the ring that Lin Tianyu was wearing on his finger. Then, he went straight to the black knife that had been connected with Lin Tianyu's mind, and continuously and deeply explored and explored

Finally, he got out of the ring with nothing. He still stared at Lin Tianyu for a long time, and finally disappeared.

When Lin Tianyu came out, Lu Feixue rushed to come over and nervously asked, "are you ok?"

"It's OK."

After answering, Lin Tianyu is sensitive to the fact that Lu Feixue is worried about himself. With such a high level of Dao Dao, he may be passed on as a black level. If the black level inheritance is detected, there may be a big problem. Therefore, I will always be waiting for myself outside. This little elder martial sister, it's really not in vain.


Hearing the cry, Lin Tianyu looked back and saw Yunlan, Duoduo and Wang Lingyun, as well as two elder martial brothers, Wang Lin and Mi Tongtian, standing together in the camp of the sword magic club.

"Two senior brothers, Lingyun, you are all here." Say hello and walk towards the five.


The secret place of black sword has been opened. With such a big chance, why didn't the five of them come here to gamble?

Was it too late to get the news that I missed such an opportunity?

When we got closer, we could see that the five people, who were all dusty, had just arrived here.

Sure enough, after some inquiries, they had not received any news before because they had been training. When they got the news, they rushed to this place, only to learn that the secret place had disappeared.

After greeting each other, Lin Tianyu said good-bye to everyone. In the camp of the sword demon club, he found a separate residence and asked about the knife carefully.

"Xiaodao, I feel that the cold breath just now is the person who killed me several times in front of me. According to you, he is a fairy who has slipped down from the fairyland

The knife said, "that cold breath is indeed a fairy coming down from the fairyland. However, if you look at his immortal strength, he is only in the later stage of celestial immortality. In the mortal world of Xiuzhen planet, he can still play with great power. He is only a shrimp in the fairyland. Even the two people who followed him have reached the peak of Jinxian, which is much better than him. "

Lin Tianyu doubted: "strange? If the immortal in the fairyland, and I such a small warrior, can not have any relationship. Why did I have such a deep killing opportunity just now and it was released. "

Lin Tianyu said, a burst of hard thinking, but how can not remember this inside, in the end is what?

Is it because of the relationship between master Heidao and his ancestors that he was also hated?

Lin Tianyu thought and thought again and again. He only felt that this statement was barely justified.

The knife was silent for a while, obviously, he was thinking about the reason.