Chapter 332

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Think of the end, is likely to be in the same realm, lost to a lot, Wang Lingyun no longer find any reason to come.

Along the way, Wang Lingyun saw Yun LAN and a lot of diligence. Influenced by it, he was also diligent, and he hardly relaxed or left behind. However, if his diligence, really compared to cloud LAN, many, of course, or to a little worse. In his heart, he also fully understood. However, compared with others, it is still too hard-working, and even, compared with the previous self, it is a world of difference. Even if I think about it occasionally, I am proud of my diligence. But now Of course, compared with that time, when I was fighting side by side with my elder brother Lin Tianyu, even when the battle was just over, I forced myself to fully appreciate the gains and losses of the war, and did not miss the possibility of any progress. I really relaxed too much recently.

Thinking, Wang Lingyun's eyes flashed a ray of firm light.

We should change ourselves steadfastly and firmly from the beginning, or we will directly leave the road our elder brother will take.

Obviously, the elder brother is very human. In the future, it is impossible for him to take an ordinary road. If he wants to keep up with his pace, his efforts are not enough.

Of course, you can go back to qingsang city and be a young master of Wang family. Even with the present foundation, as long as you find the right skills, you can easily step into the Qi training period. In qingsang City, you are fully qualified to be called the king and the ancestor.

But will I be willing to do so?

What will your heart think?

On that day, he secretly hid in the carriage, followed the elder brother to escape, and went to the magic fog forest for training. Thinking about the great enthusiasm at that time, he completely let his heart go. Did he go back to qingsang city in the end?


From the moment I escaped and went to the magic fog forest for training, I was doomed not to return to ordinary people's life.


This will be my everlasting wish in the future.

No matter the difficulty, no matter the danger!

Lin Tianyu did not say anything more about Wang Lingyun. If he could not stand up after this incident, it would be useless to say more. Even it is not impossible to be depressed. So far, now, the point to wake up, but have already ordered everything, all depends on his own fate. Although he was his first and first brother, he would beat him from time to time to get rid of his laziness, hoping that he could keep up with his own pace. After all, he is destined to go further and further along the road of cultivation. Moreover, his contacts will be more and more extensive. If he really can't stand up, work hard, and have the motivation, determination and action beyond ordinary people, he is doomed to be eliminated.

Just hope he can keep up with the pace of progress.

At this time, Lin Tianyu looked at Yun LAN and many others. From the heart, he was really satisfied with the two apprentices.

Yun LAN, regardless of his diligence or talent, is an unparalleled choice. He has no way to predict which step he will eventually achieve in kendo. Maybe, one day, if you don't pay attention to it, you will let the apprentice surpass the past.

Many, although the qualification is poor. But there is no unique way of heaven, and diligence can make up for one's weakness. When he moves forward step by step and surpasses one opponent after another, why can't he stand on the top of the peak?