Chapter 588

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
"What are you doing? What did you do to Chi Seeing that Lin Tianyu started to fight the great Xia Chi, someone nearby immediately yelled.

Lin Tianyu was indifferent and said with a smile: "you will know what you have done. You stupid people

"Who are you talking about? You are the fool! Your whole family is a fool Immediately, he had a hot temper and scolded Lin Tianyu.

Lin Tianyu also ignored this guy. Instead, he looked back at Chang Xi and said, "brother Chang, we are going to try now. Please point out to me the forces of the devil Kingdom and the messengers planted in it. "

Chang 11 did not hesitate, but went straight forward and pointed out that the four people came out.

Lin Tianyu said: "among them, which two people are loyal to the devil Kingdom forces."

Chang Xi pointed out two of the four.

At this time, Lin Tianyu came forward and said, "now, let you fools have a good look. Where are you stupid?"

At the same time, after seeing what Lin Tianyu said and did, those who had just yelled at Lin Tianyu just now did not clamor. They all looked puzzled. They looked at Lin Tianyu and wanted to see what he was going to do next. In the heart, is full of doubts: they come to attack here, is not a force of the forces of the demon kingdom? Why now, it seems that there is something wrong with his way of doing things?

When Lin Tianyu said this, he no longer talked much. He directly put his hand on the forehead of one of the two loyal people pointed out by Chang Xi.

Then, after a while, he took back his hand and said, "this man is a member of the so-called like-minded organization that came together to wipe out the devil kingdom. However, it is this man who has killed three righteous people in your organization in the name of arranging for information investigation. "

After Lin Tianyu took back his palm, he immediately woke up and called out, "you're talking nonsense. I didn't harm anyone in the organization. If you want to add guilt to me, don't think about it!"

"Is it?" Lin Tianyu, however, laughed and said, "all the things I said just now are the information that I just found out through soul searching. Of course, I said, you may not believe it. However, after studying this method of soul searching, I found a small magical effect. It is after I use this method, after properly cutting a small area, I can let this person open his mouth and say something hidden in his soul. Now, I'll give you a test. "

With that, Lin Tianyu's palm pressed on the man's forehead again.

After a while, the man opened his mouth and began to speak.

"Last October. I deliberately arranged for Hu Dan to go out to investigate in the name of investigation clues. Since then, he has never come back. However, people can't live or die, so we all think that this guy betrayed our like-minded organization and escaped by himself. In fact, he was ambushed and killed by the people in the devil's land, which I had arranged in secret.

"March this year. Li Qing was used by me in the same way

"This may. Zhou tietou... "

Lin Tianyu opened his mouth again and said, "well, tell us again, who are you?"

"My name is Gong Liyuan. I'm an emissary in the devil kingdom. I'm directly appointed to be his subordinate by a mysterious emissary."