Chapter 607

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
As the breakthrough was completed, Lin Tianyu let out a long, proud cry.

Then, the sword moves more quickly.

Then, just a blink of an eye, the sky is full of black knives, across the sky inside. Lin Tianyu has stopped wielding his knife for a long time. These black knives are still lying in the sky and have not dispersed. What's more, Lin Tianyu can clearly feel that each of these black swords in Tianyu has the power of nearly one tenth of the sabre technique he has cut. Even, in each of these black knives, the artistic conception of the cold endless cutting still twinkles in it, which makes these black knives more powerful.

Even, the black knives now in the sky are enough to cause some slight damage to the eleven level black magic tiger.

If it's the black tiger, now go after yourself. The black sword in the sky will not only block the tiger a little bit, but also cause some slight damage. Then, the black tiger is bound to be unable to break through like the previous one. As long as it breaks the barrier, there is no need to consider the possible damage. And now, if the black tiger comes after him again, when he breaks through this barrier, he even has to carefully consider or avoid the harm that will be caused to it.

Then, to challenge the black magic tiger, even if it is defeated, with this kind of empty sword means, it is enough to stop the black magic tiger and support itself to escape.


Then go to challenge the black tiger who almost killed himself last time.

Think about to go, also don't drag a silk hair.

After all, the fight to attack the devil's land is likely to start at any time. In this battle, before we fight, we should make our own strength clearer, which is also conducive to the following actual combat. The black tiger, which once had no way to escape, is of course the touchstone of the best choice.

Lin Tianyu even took out the boat directly. After making it bigger, he sat in it and filled it with a spirit stone.

With a whoosh, the boat turned into a silver light, went deeper into the devil Kingdom and rushed in. Now, Lin Tianyu is a bit of time and doesn't want to waste it. Of course, using a flying boat to drive a road is much faster than that of a Qi practicing monk. Even if his phantom body overlaps with shadow steps, his speed of driving is also super fast, but it still can't be compared with the flying boat. After all, his realm is only the realm of practicing Qi. Although it is beyond the limit of two times, but the hard realm, after all, is only practicing Qi and cultivating for.

In a short half an hour, the speed of the boat has slowed down, and slowly fell down.

Then, Lin Tianyu passed through the monitoring system on the top of the boat, and he could clearly see the black magic tiger below. At this time, the dark devil also obviously found the flying boat above his head. What's more, if the silver light is correct, isn't this the tiny, hateful, human little Qi practicing monk who cut himself countless times and then escaped from his own hands?

Roar -

the black magic tiger roared for a long time, then slowly rose into the sky and directly attacked the boat.

Obviously, the black devil tiger is still right. Lin Tianyu, a little monk like him, has killed him with a knife countless times, and he still has a lot of hatred.