Chapter 713

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
But this meeting, let alone a person outside, almost even a bird's shadow is missing.

Where can someone come?

However, Lin Tianyu is still separated from a divine consciousness, directly locked in the outside of the array. I've been holding on to the outside of the formation. It seems that there is a hope that he can escape from the outside.

And time passed, until this meeting, almost half an hour passed, but there was still no ghost outside.

Is it true that no one has come all the time?

Lin Tianyu didn't believe it.

Even, there are some who stubbornly believe that there will be someone outside.

In the twinkling of an eye, half a quarter of an hour passed, and no one came.

However, Lin Tianyu still separated a part of the divine consciousness and carefully observed the outside.

And all of a sudden, Lin Tianyu just laughed.

At this time, in the outside of the barrier array, one of the Jindan friars behind, suddenly more than a shadow out.


Then, the man who was trying his best to set up the array lost his head.

Then, the figure went behind another person.


Although the man was prepared for the fact that the man in front of him was cut off his head, he was prepared when the figure came to his back, and timely waved his weapon to face the man who suddenly attacked him. However, after all, he was slow to react. Therefore, this time, the person in charge of the array was hit by the opponent's short attack, and immediately flew out of the range of the large array.

Lin Tianyu was completely happy.

Now, this is the chance!

After Lin Tianyu made a fierce attack, and then, as soon as his figure showed up, he rushed to the big barrier array which was obviously disordered.

Then, at the moment of rushing out of the array, he repeatedly wielded a knife and killed several golden elixir monks who set up the array.

Puff, puff, puff

There were eight golden elixir monks who fell into a pool of blood. Blood was spilling all over the place, everywhere. The rest of them, though not killed by Lin Tianyu, are also in Lin Tianyu's pent up prestige and killing, dodging repeatedly, for fear that Lin Tianyu will find himself.

The scene, completely became a mess, no protection capability.

The eyes of the second and third saints were all bloodshot.

"Damn it! Damn it! This is a great opportunity. Unexpectedly, it was destroyed by this guy outside. Ah! Damn it! As long as he grinds for more than three hours as he is now, it is entirely possible for the little monk to practice Qi. He has exhausted his magic power and physical strength, and then he will be killed here. "

The more they think about it, the more angry they are.

Then, two people almost have the heart to rush out. But they all rushed out of the direction of Lin Tianyu, but to the cloud that destroyed all their plans.

Now, even if they don't want to kill Lin Tianyu, they are also silently vowing to kill the monk who destroyed their plan and the way of space on the spot.

No matter what, no mercy!