Chapter 721

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Lin Tianyu stepped forward and stroked the black tiger's forehead directly.

Lin Tianyu said: "of course. Follow me. You have to promise to do something for me. Just now, you beat the two people away. I'm going to kill them. But I'm not strong enough on my own. I need your help. "


The black devil roared with pride.

Lin Tianyu added: "the reason why I want to kill them is not only for my personal hatred, but also because those two people have done too many bad things. In the future, once you become a human being, you should know the truth, understand the wrong, and know the good and evil. This is the standard of human beings. And those two people have done too many bad things that are harmful to the whole human race. People like them should be killed. So, if you help me now, it's an internship in advance. You'll be the first step to become a person in the future. Do you know? "

Lin Tianyu said, gently stroking the black tiger's forehead again.


The black tiger roared and rubbed Lin Tianyu's palm with his forehead.

Lin Tianyu said, "OK! Then we should not be late. We should go after them now. You must have smelled them just now. Now we'll go and track them up, and then we'll work together to eradicate the two bad guys. "

"Roar!" The black tiger roared again and went first.

After choosing a direction, the speed of black magic tiger tracking is faster and faster. Except occasionally, when I come to some turning point, I will stop and smell around to distinguish the odor in the air. Then, the whole tracking almost does not stop much. It's like this. It's been tracked down all the way.

At this time, an old man suddenly appeared in the place where Lin Tianyu, Liuyun and black magic tiger had just left.

The old man looked at the direction in which Lin Tianyu and the black magic tiger left together and said, "at the beginning, he was as young and energetic as this young man.

"And then, he came to me and fooled me. He said something similar to the young man just now. Then, I was fooled and went with him. With him to struggle, with him to progress, with him to fly to the fairyland However, there are too many big forces in the fairyland. However, he ignored the iron rule of respect for the strong. Finally, he got into trouble with a guy who had a super power as the backstage and did evil. Finally, he did not escape that disaster.

"Oh! To see this young man, as if to see him at that time. I wish this young man could go further

Then, the old man sighed again and disappeared.

At this time, with the tracking of the black tiger, it is finally chasing closer and closer. Even after a while, in Lin Tianyu's telepathy, we could see the traces of the two saints and the three saints.

It was not long before that that the two saints and the three saints had just escaped from their separate escape, and soon came together. Then, the two of them kept on nagging that the boy's luck was really great. It turned out that the black devil tiger came out to stir up trouble and let him escape. What's more, what's more, the black tiger didn't go after the boy, but he found us both and lost so many of his men in vain.

All of a sudden, two people who are nagging, squint steeply and sweep in a direction.