Chapter 754

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Yun Yi said: "do we still have to use the strategy we used to attack the first branch and pull out the sentry of this branch first? Then, when you're inside the branch rudder, you'll give them a tough one. "

Lin Tianyu said, "I'm afraid this strategy will not work. If it's normal, maybe it's possible. However, at such a critical time, the Ming gang and the secret sentry must be set up one by one. If you move a sentry, you will probably move your whole body and be easily found by other related sentries. Now, it must be unrealistic to pull out the sentry. "

"How should we act?" the cloud said

Lin Tianyu thought for a moment and said, "we might as well go in swaggering and directly going in."

"Straight in?"

Lin Tianyu said, "yes! Just go straight in. "

Seeing that everyone looked puzzled, Lin Tianyu laughed and said, "there is a Qi emissary at the headquarters of the devil kingdom. Do you still have an impression?

"In other words, if I dressed up as the Qi emissary, and then, swaggering, and then broke into this branch rudder, what would happen to you?

"For another example, the Qi emissary happened to know the headquarters of the demon Kingdom, where a number of undiscovered treasures were located. What do you think of the situation?"

The lost dog has a lot of treasure information.

This is anyone to see, will first snatch people into their own hands, again.

Is the leader of this branch an exception?

Everyone listened to the idea, and their eyes flashed. Then, everyone looked at Lin Tianyu. Since he put forward this idea, he must have figured out who will play the Qi emissary. However, none of the people on the scene looked like the Qi emissary. Who could be the Qi emissary?

Lin Tianyu looked at everyone's puzzled eyes and suddenly said, "look, do you think I'm like the Qi emissary?"

Everyone looked at Lin Tianyu in the past, not to mention, at first glance, it was really a bit like.

However, as long as people who know Qi emissary see Lin Tianyu, they will recognize it at once. They are not alone at all. Although it is somewhat similar, the difference between the two is also clear and particularly obvious.

So, everyone is puzzled to see Lin Tianyu.

"Why, don't you think I'm not the Qi messenger?"


It's like that!

And it's more and more like it!

While Lin Tianyu was talking, his face changed slightly.

And then, after a while, everyone was surprised.

Standing in front of them, where is their leader, Lin Tianyu? It's the Qi emissary of the devil Kingdom, isn't it? It's not just like it, it's just a person, OK? Now, in Lin Tianyu's face, there is no place like the Qi emissary.

They all stare at Lin Tianyu and are surprised.

Lin Tianyu said with a smile: "I Qi someone, now I want to go into this branch rudder. Who wants to go with Qi all the way?"

Some people who later integrated into the black knife League had already lost their eyes.

Then, surprised, he asked, "how do you do this, ally?"

However, Lin Tianyu's mouth, but the voice of Qi emissary, said: "I am Qi emissary, you should pay more attention to the address."