Chapter 767

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Qi emissary was more angry this time.

He roared: "if you can know that I am not a spy, why do you search for me? Is this how you deal with the messengers of the headquarters in this branch? You are clearly betraying Holy Land headquarters. You know what? Can you afford it? "

the other person's heart is in a tangle: make complaints about the Holy Land headquarters? Now, Holy Land headquarters is already yesterday's yellow flower, has long been destroyed, even if it is betrayed, what?

Can be in the heart to allow you to think, in the mouth, but can't say so out.

Then, there was the other side's humanity: "Lord Qi, everything is our fault. I'm here to apologize to Mr. Qi on behalf of helmsman Chang. I hope Lord Qi can release our helmsman Chang first. Then, everything is easy to say, Lord Qi, but if there is a request, we will all satisfy him. "

"Let go of your frequent helmsman?"

The messenger of Qi looked at the man who asked for it and gave him a cold look.

Qi emissary said, "can you let the Chang? Do you know how much crime he committed?

"Wantonly humiliated the envoys of the holy region headquarters, slandered them as spies, and even wanted to search the souls of the envoys of the headquarters for a treasure map. What is this? Betrayed headquarters! You also let me release him, such scum, can you? Ah! You say, can you let it go?

"What's more, I seriously doubt whether the helmsman Chang is the spy of the black sword alliance who has infiltrated into our interior. Otherwise, how dare you betray the headquarters so wantonly. Who can give him so much courage? Do what you want. Of course, if this guy named Chang is the spy of the black sword alliance to invade us, then all this can be said completely. If you are a spy, how can you betray me. Naturally, it is bold and reckless.

"You say, can a spy like this be released?"


Qi emissary's voice, in the devil's land, this branch of the sky, constantly exploding, the other party's people, just one Leng, one reason, one reason.

Damn it!

You can still play like this!

First, the big hat of betraying the headquarters was put down. damn it! There's nothing to say! We are going to betray the headquarters, OK? The Holy Land headquarters, in addition to a name, is now even a birdman, not to mention can command the strength of our branch rudder. But now, you have given us the name of a spy.

What's that?

Each other's people, look at each other, heart way: it is really geomantic rotation ah! Just now, when the helmsman Chang was in power, he gave the other party the name of a spy. But now, just a long time ago, the name of the spy was returned to the helmsman Chang.

It seems that the spy's hat is really very easy to use. Who is in power? If you look at the other party, it's just a spy's hat on his head.

In the future, if they have power, they can also play this game.

However, among the people on the opposite side, there were also several people whose eyes flashed and their minds became active. It would be nice if the silly boy on the opposite side, Qi emissary, directly hit the helmsman Chang with one blow. In this way, it is possible for all of them to come out and fight for the position of the branch master. Otherwise, the helmsman Chang is on top of his head. When is the day when they will come out?