Chapter 787

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
On that day, they continued to walk in the territory of Tiandu country, practicing martial arts and magic, and honing their accomplishments.

But Lin Tianyu is still feeling with his heart, his feeling of breaking through the sixteen layers of practicing Qi.

However, it has not been able to feel.

At this time, in the direction of their advance, there was a small town.

Everyone wants to go to this town and have a rest.

When entering the small town, Huyi and xiaoyingying both became smaller, but one meter long. They followed the crowd and went to the small town.

After entering a small town, I saw a restaurant with a good business, which was regarded as a large restaurant above the small town. Several people walked in.

At this time, on the inside table, more than 20 heads gathered together, listening to a thin little man, bragging there.

The skinny man said, "I'm going to tell you this time, but the leader of the black sword League, I can follow the leader of the League personally and attack the forces of the devil kingdom. On that day... "

The skinny man said this, his fingers pounded on the table, but his eyes glanced at his own table. The dish bowl on the table was empty, and the wine cup was also empty.

At this time, the eye-catching one hastened to bring the beef and peanuts on his table to the skinny one, and others poured the wine to the skinny one.

Lin Tianyu looked at the little man carefully. Did he really attack the devil kingdom with himself?

I have no impression of this person.

The skinny man put a piece of beef in his mouth, and then drank a sip of wine. Then he said again, "on that day, I followed the leader of the league and directly rushed into the devil kingdom. At that time, we were only Lin and I, and on the other side of the devil Kingdom, do you know how many of them were there? You can't think of it

The skinny one said that, and then went to eat beef, while the others were quickly to the small man in front of the wine bowl, and then added wine. The little one took another sip of the wine.

The impatient one asked directly, and said, "tell me, how many people are there in the opposite?"

But the skinny one was not in a hurry at all. He smacked his mouth and then said, "the other side is like a hundred thousand soldiers and generals. Suddenly, there are more than 100000 people coming out.

"At that time, I was so scared that I couldn't even walk the road..."

At this time, someone nearby interposed: "skinny, did you urinate when you were scared?"

The skinny one got angry all of a sudden, pointed to the man who interrupted by this side, and said angrily, "you're just scared to pee, your whole family is scared to pee!"

The people next to him laughed, but the skinny one was angry. He didn't want to go on. Then, the people next to him tried to persuade him. He also added two dishes to the skinny one and made a pot of good wine. He let the guy who interrupted just now apologized to the skinny one. The skinny one started talking again.

The skinny man said, "at this time, the leader of Lin League, who was next to me, gave a cold look at the hundreds of thousands of people who were coming straight in the opposite direction, and his eyes were shining. Then, the light in his eyes suddenly rose to a hundred feet long, and the people who came to the opposite side fell to the ground in large areas. At this time, although there are more than 100000 people in front of us, but there are only two of us, but it is the hundreds of thousands of people who are scared and run away