Chapter 796

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
I didn't expect that this group of people brought back by the leader was so powerful!

Those who stayed in the door of the sword demon society, this time, little stars appeared in their eyes.

With this group of people brought back by the leader, it is the hope of the whole black sword alliance!

Now, there are some whispering voices.

However, Lin Tianyu did not stop it.

"What? After you beat the black sword League, you've got so many awards. " Suddenly someone yelled.

Then someone looked at the man who was shouting.

But some people are full of envy, some people are smiling.

After waiting for a long time, Lin Tianyu raised his hand again and released the light pressure.

This time, all of a sudden, the rest was quiet.

Lin Tianyu said: "in addition to hearing that the seven ancestors betrayed the black sword alliance, they also heard that there were many golden elixir monks who asked to withdraw from the alliance."

It's not a pleasant topic, but it has to be said.

What's more, if you don't say it at this time when you just come back, you will be even more unlikely to say it in the future. You can only carry on with such vague words. And then one day, it suddenly broke out. At that time, maybe it was the time when the black knife alliance was facing a crisis. So, some things have to be solved in the front. Moreover, now is definitely the best time to let people's hearts have big and irremediable fluctuations.

Lin Tianyu said: "before, I was not in the black sword League, so everything in front of me was not counted. But now, I'm back. Therefore, I would like to ask again, now, does anyone want to quit the black knife League?

"As long as someone wants to quit the black knife League, I can handle it for him personally. Although I also hope that the black sword alliance will grow stronger and stronger, I will not force others to force them to stay. However, as long as those who do not choose to withdraw from the alliance today, I will still set down two rules in front of me: first, loyalty. 2、 Don't commit great crimes. An alliance can't always be smooth sailing. In the future, if there is a crisis, as long as the people who choose to stay today, I hope everyone can help each other in the same boat. If the people in the black knife League commit great crimes, I will personally lead people to clean them up. At that time, it will not be expelled from the black knife League, but will be cleaned up directly. This will become the spirit of our black knife League.

"So, I want to ask again, now, do you want to quit the black knife League?"

Lin Tianyu understood very well.

As long as the rules are laid down, the rules should be explained in advance. The reason is that it is not rational to think. It is different from the human heart. When people's minds are floating, at that time, we need to think of ways to adjust and solve the problem. However, it is a kind of impetuous thing, but it can not always be an accident, the hearts of the floating, to solve the adjustment. Therefore, now, make a rule. If you can make peace, you can stay. Everyone needs to think calmly.

No one came out to answer Lin Tianyu's question.

Obviously, even those who have some ideas, when they come to this meeting, they are all wavering in their hearts.

After all, the black sword alliance has increased such a strong strength, and it is enough to fight down the strength of Tiandu country's devil kingdom. Let those who vacillate, also see hope finally.