Chapter 854

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Because of the old ancestor's information, Lin Tianyu entered the whole mountain again, and the road was unimpeded.

Then, straight up the mysterious mountain, climb.

Lin Tianyu walked all the way, and the knife was all the way in the space of the sky knife, which guided the direction of Lin Tianyu. Then, all the way up the mountain, even through the speed of Lin Tianyu, they climbed for about half an hour, and then reached the place close to the top of the mountain.

Lin Tianyu was curious for a while.

What is there on top of such a high mountain?

Lin Tianyu looked at the tiger Yi beside him and said, "tiger Yi, have you ever been up on this mountain? What's up here? "

Hu Yi shook his head and said, "I haven't been up on this mountain. As for what is on it, I don't know at all."

Hu Yi said this, the eyes are flashing curious light, also want to go up to see exactly.

Simply asked, a line of three people, continue to go up the mountain, climbing.

Gradually, the top of the mountain is already in sight.

It is estimated that when there is another fragrance, they can climb to the top of the mountain.


Suddenly, from the direction of the mountain top, a tiger roar came.

Then, in front of the three, a black tiger with a height of more than 20 feet appeared in the sky and stopped in front of the crowd.

Lin Tianyu and Hu Yi, Xiao Ying Ying were all unable to help but be stunned.

Isn't it released to the mountain?

How now, there are black tiger appeared to block the way?

What's the matter?

With the roar of tiger, there is also a tiger roar under the mountain. Then, it should be the black demon tiger under the mountain, and it is going to the black demon tiger on the mountain top. In the process of transmission, it tells the story of the event.

After a long time, the black demon tiger who stopped the road roared again. Then, he looked at Lin Tianyu and said, "your boy is Lin Tianyu?"

Lin Tianyu nodded quickly and said, "yes, my predecessor, I am Lin Tianyu."

The black demon tiger way of blocking the road: "OK, go up the top of the peak."

Lin Tianyu was excited and had a door! Immediately a side, from this block of black demon tiger side, to the mountain up. Tiger righteousness and Eagle Eagle also follow Lin Tianyu, and they will go to the top of the peak.


At this time, the black demon tiger blocking the road, a roar, the tall body stopped tiger Yi and the Eagle Eagle forward.

Tiger Yi and Eagle Eagle are stunned: what is this? Didn't you agree to let them go?

Lin Tianyu also came back to his head, full of doubts.

This black demon tiger, who stopped the road, said at this time: "what the old ancestor gave me was to let Lin Tianyu go up alone. You two can't go up, but wait here."


It turns out that's what it is!

What the meaning of the words is, Lin Tianyu is understood.

However, Lin Tianyu is more confused. Tiger Yi is a black demon tiger! What, can't even he go up? On the mountain, even if there is any secret, is it not the secret of the black demon tiger family? Since it is the secret of the black demon tiger, why keep secret to their own people?

Looking at the incredible look of Lin Tianyu, Huyi and the eagle eagle, the black demon tiger who stopped the road was not moved at all, but cold and cold tunnel: "no matter who is on this mountain, if you want to go up, you must have the permission of the old ancestor."