Chapter 897

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Originally, Lin Tianyu was flustered when he saw that the big elder of black magic tiger was going to hit him with a fist.

But immediately, Lin Tianyu calmed down completely.

This time, all the thunder robberies were not used to break through the body cultivation, but integrated into the body. Although the level of physical training is only the golden elixir realm, I feel that the physical strength is more than several times stronger than before. So, by now, what is the strength of the body?


With simple physical strength, I'll try this big elder of the black magic tiger to try it. It's just to test what kind of strength the body has reached.

Thinking about it, Lin Tianyu's knife in his hand was even more a remorseless move towards the leg of the great elder of the black magic tiger and cut it as hard as he could.

Injury for wound!

I am willing to bear the damage of the other party, of course, correspondingly, I have to do more harm to the other party as much as possible.


In a flash, all the swords and fists hit each other as hard as they could.

The big elder of the black magic tiger was chopped off by a knife and flew 100 meters away. However, Lin Tianyu was blown away nearly 200 meters by the other side.

Bang bang!

The two men fell to the ground, standing unsteadily, and continued to retreat along the way.

When he stood still, there was blood in Lin Tianyu's mouth. One of the legs of the elder black magic tiger was almost cut off with a knife.

Lin Tianyu's eyes were cold, and he raised his knife to point at the other side. The big elder of the black magic tiger also stood on one leg and looked at Lin Tianyu.

There was silence.

Finally, the big elder of the black magic tiger sighed and said, "Stinky boy, you go!"

Although the tone was not polite, the meaning could not be understood. The elder of the black magic tiger had admitted that it was impossible to catch Lin Tianyu. He gave up and let him go. However, in the eyes of the black devil elder, there was a look full of unwilling. Originally, the great elder of the black magic tiger planned that Lin Tianyu would cut his leg with a knife, which would cause a wound much deeper than that in front of him. However, with his fist, he would directly blow Lin Tianyu to the ground seriously and even could not get up again.

But now, the damage caused by Lin Tianyu's knife is far more than that in front of him. It is almost to cut off one of his legs. However, he did not achieve the expected effect with one punch, let alone make Lin Tianyu fall to the ground. In addition to spitting out a little blood, he was not even seriously injured.

If the competition goes on, let alone capture Lin Tianyu to go back, even the final real winner who belongs to, the black magic tiger elder are some uncertain.

Lin Tianyu took the knife and said, "thank you, elder master!"

After that, there is no longer any more. Turn around and go.

Seeing this, Huyi and xiaoyingying are also following Lin Tianyu. But when he got to the place where the elder of the black devil tiger could not see, Lin Tianyu jumped directly on the tiger's back and said in a short way: "tiger righteousness, go quickly!"

"Wow Just after that, Lin Tianyu spat out blood.

Then, "Wow! WOW! " The earth is vomiting all the time. After a while, he fell into a coma.

At this meeting, Hu Yi also clearly felt that Lin Tianyu had been hurt for the last time, but he was just holding on. Otherwise, he would have fallen to the ground and would not be able to get up again.

Immediately, Hu Yi did not rush to delay, holding Lin Tianyu, if a gust of wind general quickly left.