Chapter 915

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
The leading monk Yuanying, thinking straight, quickly gave a message to Zhou and asked him to withdraw. But now, he can't even move.

Then, I saw the people who had just put themselves and others under control, put on their black clothes and went out of the courtyard inside.

This is clearly going to pit the people on their own side.

The leading monk, Yuanying, was afraid more and more, but he had nothing to do. In the face of Lu Zu, full of hate.

After a while, I saw a dozen people in black, and from the courtyard of the black sword League, all the way to the square outside the black sword League. Then, in the head of the man in black, a voice of divine consciousness rang out, "how is the situation?"

The leading man in black sent back his divine sense and said, "all sentries, all solved!"

"Good! In this case, it's time for the black sword alliance to die out. "

With the sound of this message, we can see from near or far places, brush More than 4000 people were flying in one after another, which filled the whole square at once.

These more than 4000 people suddenly flew over. Anyone who looked at them would inevitably have a feeling of emotional turbulence.

To be honest, four thousand figures are not many. Don't say super bulk, even if it's an ordinary family, there are more than a few people. But the key is to see what kind of more than 4000 people are.

Among the more than 4000 people, the lowest accomplishment is also the later period of foundation construction. Moreover, among these people, the golden elixir cultivation is the majority. Even, there are more than 20 Yuan Ying's powerful monks.

Such a force of terror can push almost any super power sideways.

After seeing more than 4000 people, all of them entered the square. However, no one in the black sword League responded with a smile of pride and said, "everybody, hold on, surround the whole black sword Alliance for me, and then, start to kill, and no one will be left!"

Just after saying this, suddenly, the gate of the black sword League opened and a figure came out of it.


Huazu looked at the man opposite him and said, "Zhou Zu, I don't know what kind of hatred we have. Would you like to destroy our whole black sword alliance?"

Zhou Zu said with a smile: "ha ha ha ha, Huazu, I didn't expect that your vigilance is really high enough. After all, you will find out. However, all of us have gathered here in the square. Even if we have not completely surrounded the whole black sword League, I think, in the black knife League, no one can escape. In this case, I might as well tell you the reason, so that you can be an understanding ghost when you die.

"You have no grudge against someone in my week, but Lin Tianyu, the leader of your black sword alliance, has a grudge against me. Since you have no eyes and recognize him as the leader of the alliance, you can go and bury him together!

"Of course, in addition to this reason, you black knife League also hindered the development of another person. Otherwise, how do you think that so many of us can sneak into the hinterland of the sword demon club without any sound? "

Hua Zu said: "I wonder if Zhou Zu can make it clear. Who is the other person who has been hindered from development?"

"No comment!"

Zhou Zu said lightly. Then, with a sudden wave of his hand, he said, "half of the people attack from the front door, and the other half of them twists back to the back. Don't let go of anyone in the black knife League."