Chapter 983

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Seeing how they begged for mercy from Jiangling, the three men had to turn their eyes to Lin Tianyu.

In their hearts, they all thought that Lin Tianyu should be more talkative.

What's more, the reason why they are watching Jiang Ling come to kill them is that Lin Tianyu suppressed them with momentum and made them unable to move. Otherwise, the martial arts skills of Jiangling are just between Bozhong and the three of them. Why should they be so afraid of Jiangling.

Now, as long as you ask Lin Tianyu to let them go, isn't it more useful than asking for Jiangling.

So they opened their mouth to Lin Tianyu and said, "master Hu, please spare me your life. As long as you can spare the little ones, they are willing to take all kinds of resources and offer them to the immortal master. "

"Mr. Hu Daxian, all the small ones are not good. I have offended you just now. I will compensate you here."

"Master Hu Da Xian, heaven has the virtue of good life. You people who practice Taoism should be more aware of heaven's will. You can't kill animals casually!"

"Master Hu, spare your life!"


Lin Tianyu said: "I killed you not for the sake of resources, but for the offence you have just done to me. As for the upper body of heaven, this kind of thing is too empty for me to understand. I just know, follow my heart. You have done so many bad things, those who have been killed by you innocently, how can they be wronged. But now, you are not dead, still live well, that means that heaven has not revenged them, then I will revenge them. Therefore, in my own heart, you are all damned. I'll follow my heart and kill you.

"Jiangling, do not have any hesitation, kill!"

After seeing Lin Tianyu's attitude, the three people knew that they could not live any more, and all of a sudden they all began to scold.

"Miao Yi, you damn it. You should die well."

"Hum, you damned Miao Yi. If you hadn't asked us out for dinner today, how could you have killed your life for no reason?"

"Miao Yi, I curse you!"


Puff, puff, puff!

With three sounds, three heads fall to the ground.

At this time, Lin Tianyu said: "Xiao Er, prepare a good meal for us. If we get it, we will go to the Miao family."

After hearing this, the hotel boy felt so weak that he could hardly stand.

Then, hearing that Lin Tianyu was going to prepare the food himself, he was forced to go downstairs. After going down the stairs, he walked faster and faster, like running for his life. Then, the boy did not go to the kitchen, directly to find the restaurant manager.

The boy said: "shopkeeper, the big thing is bad! Upstairs, upstairs killing. "

The shopkeeper's face darkened and became particularly ugly. He said in a vicious way: "the fourth master of Qingshui is really going too far. Come to our restaurant and eat and drink for nothing from time to time. Now, they even openly kill people in our restaurant. Who did the four of them kill? "

The boy said quickly: "shopkeeper, it's not, it's not that their fourth childe killed, but someone killed them."

"Kill all four of them?"

"Well, all four were killed, all their heads cut off."

Listen to the boy said so, shopkeeper, this is to understand.

The mind has some joy: these four villains, finally someone came out to punish them.

At the same time, they were afraid again and again. After all, the four young masters died in their own restaurants. If one of them was not handled well, it would be a great disaster!