Chapter 985

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
The shopkeeper thought so much in his heart. In fact, it was just a moment to go upstairs.

Those ideas in this scene, like a flood, instantly disorderly flow through the mind.

Then, the shopkeeper quickly looked at the three people with a smile and said, "good morning, three immortal masters! I'm the shopkeeper of the restaurant. After hearing about your behavior, I'm deeply touched. I'll have a look at it with my own eyes. "

The shopkeeper said this very carefully. After all, the three in front of him were angry and killed the master of the four young masters of Qingshui.

But Lin Tianyu politely said, "it's us who made trouble for the shopkeeper."

"No trouble, no trouble. What you have done today is good for the people of Qingshui city."

The shopkeeper is still careful to deal with it.

Can he handle it carelessly?

Even if they do, they will cause a lot of trouble to the restaurant. Especially if they come to the end, because they are afraid of things, they will have more trouble than the day.

Lin Tianyu reached into his arms, took out two gold tickets again, and said, "shopkeeper, these are two million gold tickets, which can be regarded as compensation to the shopkeeper."

The shopkeeper waved his hand in a hurry and said, "no, no, master Xianshi is so polite! It's not worth two million gold coins even if I sell this small restaurant! What's more, you've done a good job for Qingshui city. Apart from big evils, where can I collect money from people like you. What the immortal master has done today is really a matter of great pleasure to the people. For this great pleasure, I would like to make a bet. I took my family life and this restaurant to bet that master Xianshi could clean up all the villains in the four families. "

When the shopkeeper said this, he was full of sincerity and passion. Obviously, he was really infected.

Can a person who can easily take out two million gold coins to compensate himself, is it because he is afraid to escape?

Such a man, no!

The shopkeeper wants to have a look at what will happen to the subsequent development of this event.

At this time, Lin Tianyu and Lu Feixue looked at each other, and then they both laughed happily.

Lu Feixue said: "shopkeeper, we want to ask you to do something."

The immortal master let himself do things!

"What's the matter?" the shopkeeper said excitedly? Master Xianshi only gives orders. If you have a sense of justice like Xianshi, let me do something. If I blink my eyes, I'm not a human being. "

"Good!" Lu Feixue said: "in fact, what we want you to do is not too difficult. Other people may not be able to do this, but with the manager's management means, it is not difficult at all.

"As far as we know, three thousand miles east of Qingshui City, there is a famous mountain called qingmingshan. This famous green mountain is full of spirit. Even, it has risen to the level of fog. It has surrounded the mountains and forests for a long time. It is like a fairyland on earth. It is indeed a rare and blessed place on earth. And what we want to ask the shopkeeper to do is to let the shopkeeper direct us to build a zongmen on Qingming mountain. The name of the sect is Chongxiao Pavilion

On hearing this, it turns out that ChongXiao pavilion has not been built yet.

In front of me, when I said I wanted to join Chongxiao Pavilion, I was still excited.

However, I immediately thought that I was the first group to join in the newly built zongmen. After that, I would be the founder of this sect.

What's more, the two around him are extraordinary immortal masters, and they have a full sense of justice. Will the clan they built be poor?

Then, Jiang Ling was more and more excited.