Chapter 1123

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Lin Tianyu said: "to tell you the truth, I really have the idea to clean up those little gangsters tonight. However, I feel that if I don't have to do it, someone will do it. "


Lu Feixue asked and immediately said, "Tianyu, are you talking about the killer who arrived at the restaurant of fog house for a short time? He's going to kill those punks? How can you be sure that he's going to kill those punks tonight? "

Lin Tianyu said: "I've got the sense of the kind of murderous spirit he released during the day.

"I can feel the difference in the kind of murderous spirit he released during the day today. There is clearly too much killing intention in it. And this killing intention will definitely guide him to kill those punks.

"I don't believe it. Now we can quietly get to the place where the punks are, and then we can hide.

"I think it won't be long before we see the killer and come and kill these punks."

Lu Feixue was angry and said, "well, if that young killer doesn't come over and kill those little gangsters?"

Lin Tianyu said: "if that young killer really didn't come to kill those little gangsters, it's a big deal. Later, I'll kill those bastards myself. Anyway, they are like a bunch of mad dogs. Since they are willing to become a group of mad dogs, then they must have the consciousness of mad dogs and have a fate like mad dogs, which have been slaughtered by our human beings. "

Lu Feixue heard this, but she laughed.

Lu Feixue said again: "are you not afraid that this will affect your heart training in the world of mortals?"

"It's important to train one's heart in the world of mortals, but we should not touch the point where we have lost our nature completely."

Lu Feixue smiles and nods.

"Well, then you know, where are those punks who live? We went to see them."

"Go this way, my divine consciousness has been able to lock in those little gangsters."

They followed the direction of Lin Tianyu's divinity and soon arrived at a compound. At this time, the courtyard was still full of lights. Inside, there was a noise of drinking, money, and even the noise of the courtyard. And in these voices, it is obvious that we can hear the voices of those gangsters who have been to the restaurant of fog house for several times and kept making trouble.

Outside the courtyard, Lin Tianyu and Lu Feixue found the top of a big tree and stopped there, just to have a panoramic view of the whole courtyard.

As time went by, although it was midnight, the noisy voices in the courtyard did not mean to be restrained. Instead, they seemed to be more and more excited, which had the meaning of making the whole night till dawn.

At this time, Lin Tianyu quietly touched Lu Feixue.

Then, Lucille calmed down and hid herself.

After waiting for a long time, I saw a black figure, which was not far away from the place where the noisy courtyard was located. Then, the black figure stopped outside, carefully looked at the noisy courtyard, and quietly felt, as if feeling all the situations in the courtyard. Obviously, this should be a task that a killer must finish when he is on duty.