Chapter 1144

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Don't say, this lies the power, it is really so big.

Everyone believed that the devil could swallow a city in one bite.

Well, once the devil comes to them, all of them can't live anyway. Then, will be in panic, burning, looting, do all the evil again. Anyway, when the devil comes, he will never live. It's better to take advantage of this last opportunity to vent completely.

Thus, the power of a lie has caused such a great disturbance.

Compared with the real enemy, the real devil, the power is much more powerful.

To find out the real reason, Lin Tianyu and Lu Feixue have to go to see what the devil is in their ordinary population.

If there is a chance, they will not hesitate to kill the "devil" in the ordinary population. However, before going to kill the "devil", we have to solve some problems in this small town. Otherwise, before they get rid of the source of the trouble, the small town will be completely destroyed under the power of that lie.

Thinking about it, Lin Tianyu took Lu Feixue's hand, and did not withdraw that share. He released the pressure.

Then, Lin Tianyu and Lu Feixue in the eyes of the people, slowly fly up, fly higher and higher. In the end, even at high altitude. And in Lin Tianyu and Lu Feixue around, it is more down the road Xiaguang.

Lin Tianyu said: "fellow citizens, we are the immortal master who has made a special trip to get rid of the devil. So, you don't have to worry about the existence of that devil. As long as we go and wave, we can chop the devil into flying ash. "

With that, Lin Tianyu's hand waved to a mountain.


With a little wave of Lin Tianyu, he saw that the whole mountain had been cut off, and the top of the mountain collapsed.

The whole city can clearly see the situation when the mountain falls.

With such a powerful immortal, where do they need to be afraid of those demons.

In a flash, everyone's confidence is infinite full, recovered.

Lin Tianyu said: "the devil is not terrible. He has his own immortal master. Go and kill him. But each of you, the devil in your heart is more terrible. Because, these little fears, you one by one deliberately mischievous, wanton destruction. Well, before the devil comes, you are going to destroy your own home by yourself. It's more terrible than the devil. What's more, it's even more shameful

Lin Tianyu said that those who participated in the riot all lowered their heads.

Lin Tianyu said: "just now, after I arrived in this town, I saw several riots with my own eyes, such as burning, killing, robbing, raping and plundering. Some people really committed all kinds of crimes. However, since they dare to do evil, they will be punished. Man is doing, heaven is watching. Don't think there is such an opportunity, just do it at random, and no one is in charge of it. Just now, I will catch those who have done evil and punish them with my own hands. And all the rest of you have to remember. In the future, no matter whether there is a devil coming or not, you must remember the duty of being a man. Because, we are human beings. We can't turn ourselves into demons just because the devil is coming