Chapter 1157

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
The next time, Lin Tianyu and Lu Feixue waited around the blood lake, waiting for the immortal who came through the blood lake.

In a flash, half a month has passed.

On that day, I suddenly saw the blood mist on the blood lake, and the blood bubbles were rolling. The whole blood lake was like boiling water suddenly boiling, which attracted the attention of Lin Tianyu, Lu Feixue and the thirteen yuan babies who had stayed here.

All of them came forward and said, "master Lin, this is -"

Lin Tianyu nodded and said, "yes, he is coming."

When he said this, Lin Tianyu's eyes flashed with excitement. After waiting for such a long time, is he finally waiting for his arrival?

A yuan baby can say: "master Lin, now, what do you want us to do?"

Lin Tianyu thought for a moment and said, "for the time being, you should step back first. If I and the other party are exhausted, you can help with the aftermath. However, when I fight with that guy, you should take care of my friend's safety first. "

The yuan infant was able to say: "I will certainly live up to the trust of senior Lin. Even if all 13 of us were killed, it would certainly protect the safety of senior Lin's friends. "

Lin Tianyu said, "OK, you all back three hundred miles."

The 13 yuan babies, Da Neng and Lu Feixue, had nothing to say, so they had to step back according to Lin Tianyu's request.

Another Yuanying was able to say: "master Lin, some time ago, we set up a great blocking array around here. If the man is defeated and wants to escape, the formation should be able to stop it a little bit. "

Lin Tianyu said: "well, with such a big array, it will be easier to kill him."

The friar Yuan Ying handed Lin Tianyu a flag and said, "master Lin, at this time, a flag goes in and out of the big array. At that time, if you want to go in and out of the big array, you can easily shuttle back and forth with this array flag. "

Lin Tianyu took over the array flag.

At the same time, the heart also understood the meaning of this young baby.

He was afraid that Lin Tianyu would lose. That's why he gave such a flag to Lin Tianyu.

At that time, in case Lin Tianyu is defeated, with this array flag, he quickly shuttles out of the big array, and can also gain some time to escape.

After Lin Tianyu took over the flag, his eyes were still fixed on the blood Lake in front of him.

At this time, I saw the blood on the lake rolling more and more seriously.

At the end of the day, the rolling blood lake, even the whole hundred mile round ground, followed the tumbling of the blood lake and kept shaking.

Just at this time, a gap burst into the center of the blood lake.

And around that crevice, the tumbling of the blood lake is several times more than that of other places. The gap gradually widened to tens of meters, and then formed a hole. The hole is like an endless black hole. Then, at a terrible speed, it starts to swallow up the aura of Tianquan land and injects it into the cave. With the influx of the endless aura, the gap at the beginning gradually stabilized and became a portal.

Suddenly, there was a flash of blood.

From the stable door, two bloody figures appeared.