Chapter 1173

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Blood inside the heart of killing, more and more tangled, more and more do not know how to make a decision.

Finally, xuesha's eyes are cold. He looks at Lin Tianyu outside the shield. He grits his teeth and has a decision.

If you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about firewood.

After all, life is the most important thing.

Go back to the fairyland first.

One day, he will be on the top of the fairyland, waiting for Lin Tianyu to soar. At that time, he will be on the fairyland and catch the damned Lin Tianyu. Then, let him suffer endless pain, let him have been so suffering to live on.

Blood kills the heart inside, once had the decision, started to urge own cultivation to come. As long as he pushes his cultivation beyond the limit that Tianquan can bear, he will be directly pushed out of this continent by the force of the world.

However, at such a high cost, he finally came to the lower world of the mainland, but he did not make anything, and he had to flee back to the fairyland in such a gloomy way.

He is not willing to!

However, at this time, the blood slave suddenly said, "master, you have spent so much money to come to this lower world. How can you do nothing and return to the fairyland so directly? Master, I'll go out first and get some time for you. Then, you seize the opportunity to escape and do what you want. "

Blood slave said, a flash, directly out of the blood to kill the protection of the secret outside, blocked in front of Lin Tianyu, at the same time, a bloody knife, toward Lin Tianyu waved in the past.


In a meeting, because of the injury in front of the blood slaves, in a weak wind.

Then, the black knife in Lin Tianyu's hand crossed a knife shadow.

Puff, puff, puff

One after another in the blood slave's body, a knife a knife across, soon cut the blood slave into a thorough blood man. Although the blood slave still brandishes the sword technique, tries his best to resist Lin Tianyu's black knife, but obviously can't block a few moves. Finally, when the black knife once again crossed, it directly broke the blood slave's sea of knowledge, and completely killed the blood slave under the knife.

At this time, Lin Tianyu didn't have the heart to pay attention to the blood slaves any more. Instead, he directly raised the black knife and rushed to the protective aperture of the secret treasure of blood killing again. He wanted to break the aperture and kill xuesha.

This bloody killing is a dangerous guy.

If you can't kill him now, it will leave too many hidden dangers for the whole Tianquan continent.

However, when Lin Tianyu rushed to the protective aperture which was full of cracks, he just saw that the mask of the array was broken. Then, the blood killing urged his fairy secret treasure and ran away quickly. The more you run, the farther you'll never catch up.

Lin Tianyu was stunned to see the blood kill, prompting the secret treasure to escape from the sky. In his eyes, a complex look twinkled. Then, again become firm.

At this time, the arrogant voice of blood killing came to us when the secret treasure escaped, and fell clearly in the ears of everyone present.

"Lin Tianyu, wait for my revenge. The whole Tianquan continent will pay a bloody lesson and cost because of you. All of them, in the next few days, after being killed by me, the cause and effect will be on you. Don't you want to protect this heavenly land? I'm going to make you the biggest sinner in the whole Heavenly Kingdom. "