Chapter 1202

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Finally, after several hesitations, xuesha yelled: "wait a minute!"

However, xuesha was attacking his four people, but none of them stopped at all. Instead, he grasped his opening, and there was a weak chance that the gas engine would leak out. In addition, he added a few more scars to his body.

Blood kill a anger, angry nearly spit blood.

I have already opened my mouth and asked them to stop and stop.

But they're good.

Not only did no one stop. On the contrary, he took advantage of such an opportunity to kill himself wantonly.

These bastards!

Damn animal husbandry!

If all the strength in the fairyland can be brought into play, I will directly shoot your grandsons like ants with one move.

But in the heart of blood killing, he was so angry that he was about to explode. However, he had to take such a breath first. It's the key to keep one's own life first. It's good to be on the top of the fairyland in the future. When these guys fly to the fairyland, they will be killed one by one and get revenge today.

Finally, he said, "stop! I'm a fairy. What's more, even if you kill me now, it won't play a big role. On the contrary, it will plant a big trouble for you when you fly to the fairyland in the future.

"Do you know that in the fairyland, important disciples like me will leave soul cards in the sect.

"The effect of this soul card is that I am killed outside, and I can be reborn through the soul card left on the fairyland.

"Therefore, your killing of me now is totally meaningless.

"So you might as well stop now. Then we shook hands and made a peace. In the future, after you fly to the fairyland, I will not only do not start with you, but also revenge today. I'm willing to have a good relationship with you. When you fly to the fairyland, I will take more care of you. How about it? "

However, no one listened to his words.

On the contrary, when he finished the sentence at a very fast speed, the other side took the opportunity to speed up his hand and added a lot of injuries to his body.


Blood killed in the heart, is more angry.

Last time, in the face of Lin Tianyu, he also said all the good things, but he didn't have any effect at all. Finally, Lin Tianyu or oil and salt into the ground can be injured into a serious injury, but also killed the blood slaves.

This time he asked for help, but he thought of a possibility of blood killing.

Lin Tianyu must not be relaxed about his own killing.

However, in the blood to kill the heart, he is still reported to have a little hope. Hope that their own mouth to ask for, and then threaten to intimidate, lure to benefit, may be able to play a little role. Even, he just needs a little bit of role, let him grasp, he can take the opportunity to fly to the fairyland.

But who thought, it didn't work at all.

Not only in Lin Tianyu's here, not until a little bit of role. Even if it was the three people who cooperated with Lin Tianyu, they did not play a role.