Chapter 1300

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Although Chi remote does not understand this kind of, will be more real temperament, Lin Tianyu is actually quite appreciate.

But at this time, Lin Tianyu obviously couldn't give chi remote explanation too clearly.

After all, the knife can't be exposed like this in the first place. There is also the strength of the black tiger ancestor, Lin Tianyu is not enough to use specific examples, for a clear. It's just a feeling of his. He sensed that the ancestor of the black magic tiger clan was extremely powerful. If he waved his hand, he would even be able to wipe out half of the heaven power continent. However, the feeling was not felt by others, and there was no actual experience. Therefore, even if Lin Tianyu said it again, it would give people a kind of illusory feeling.

As a result, Lin Tianyu decided not to fight over this matter. He just needs to give ikera a positive attitude.

Lin Tianyu said: "great Xia Chi, we don't need to discuss this matter any more. I am in charge of both of them. I can guarantee 100% that there will be no mistakes in these two matters. Chida Xia only needs to help plan and arrange the cooperation when these two things are going on. For example, how to ensure that when the great war starts, all the people in Chongxiao Pavilion can enter the protective array as soon as possible. For example, how to arrange the servants? In some special positions of this big array, when the aftershocks of the war are too big and may exceed the endurance limit of the large array, we can help to stop and wait for things

Chi remote mouth moved, also want to talk about their own doubts.

However, thinking of Lin Tianyu's positive tone, he finally suppressed all doubts temporarily.

Pool remote way: "well, pavilion Lord, I will arrange these things when I go down. At the same time, I will find out the details of all the people who are now in ChongXiao pavilion to see who is good at array, and pick them out and call them to the leader of the pavilion. "

Lin Tianyu said, "well. Then it's hard for you, great Xia Chi. Those who are proficient in the array, I will use them in the afternoon. At the same time, I also found out all the materials for array arrangement in Chongxiao Pavilion and gave it to me. At the same time, we should also seize the time to collect and purchase all the materials for array arrangement among those who have come to Chongxiao Pavilion. "

After that, everything is arranged.

Then, in accordance with the plan, we hastened to take action.

Later, all the people who came to Chongxiao Pavilion could see that the leader of Chongxiao Pavilion personally led a large group of people and arranged the array in the area around the Chongxiao Pavilion.

Everyone looked at the scene, they were all curious.

Lin Tianyu, the leader of Chongxiao Pavilion, is not that a monk with extraordinary strength? Even, his strength is able to kill the immortals who came to this day.

However, this powerful Chongxiao Pavilion master can even arrange the array.

Isn't that strange?

How old is Lin Tianyu.

At such a young age, not only does the strength surpass all the people, but also the level of this array is second to none on the mainland.

How did he practice this?

We should not only practice, but also learn such excellent array level. What's more, it's just a little old.

Is it true that there is such a great all rounder on the mainland?