Chapter 1374

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
With the idea, a dull atmosphere spread.

But the man who spoke just now looked back at the crowd, and then looked back at the big array outside.

Then, the man's voice came out and said, "in fact, you don't need to worry at all.

"That immortal array is extremely powerful.

"However, although it is impossible for the immortal array to be suppressed so much as the immortal, it will be suppressed to a certain extent. And the strength of our Lin Pavilion master is not simply measured by the strength of friars. Even, in my opinion, even if it is a low-level immortal, it is not necessarily the opponent of Lin Pavilion master.

"Therefore, if you have such an immortal array arranged by the Huashi immortal people, you may not have no chance."

Some people would not like to hear the man touch the ground again.

There is humanity: "just now, it was said that this was the immortal array. Moreover, after it reached the Tianquan land, the suppression of the immortal array was not as great as that of the immortal people, and its power was still strong. But now, it's said that Lin Pavilion master also has a chance to deal with this immortal array. What's the matter? What's the matter with him, you're the only one who can say it all. "

The man who looked at the array arranged by the immortal Fahrenheit turned his head and took a faint look at the crowd.

Then, the man said, "how can I just say everything?

"I just said what I thought and saw. For the good and the bad, let you think about it again.

"And I'm going to talk about you. One by one, you're just thinking. Don't you think about it and look at it. Will use the brain, think about this matter, from the beginning to the end of a stroke, maybe you can know something. If you are good at observation, take a look at the changes in the big array arranged by the Huashi immortal people. Maybe you can find something.

"But what about you?

"It's just that you can't do anything except to be suspicious there."

Those people were speechless when he said so.

They thought about it, too. But I couldn't think of anything useful at all.

They also went to observe. However, in addition to seeing the formation of the Fahrenheit immortal people standing quietly in the sky, the rest is nothing can be seen.

Think about it and have a look. What real use can it have?

But then, there was a wise man. His eyes brightened and he said, "this Taoist friend, are you thinking of something and seeing something?"

As soon as the wise man asked, others followed.


This person can say so much, so comprehensive, then, he must be more than all of them, are more thought of what, more found.

The man looked at the questioner with some appreciation, nodded and said, "I really think more than you people who only know how to think here. I've seen more than you who can hardly see with your eyes. "

When this man says this, it is a total hate value.

A few people got angry. However, after thinking about it, I didn't directly send out the anger.