Chapter 1419

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
But now that he has made up his mind, Hua Yi is already ready to be tough to the end.

He had to choose one side to stand on both sides. Now, Hua Yi has made a decision in his heart. He wants to stand on the side of Fahrenheit.

As a result, as soon as the voice of the dilemma of the Huaxian people on the opposite side fell, Hua Yi began to speak with a straight voice and color.

Hua Yi said angrily, "you just yell and yell. What do you know? What do you know?

"The immortal array is placed here and pushed forward to the place close to the protection array below. Can that be the same?

"Although, it seems that they are waiting for the appearance of Lin Tianyu, who looks like an invisible man. However, if our Fahrenheit immortal array is only arranged at the present position, there is no threat effect at all for the protection array of Chongxiao Pavilion below. Then, Lin Tianyu can also pay no attention to the Fahrenheit immortal array that we have arranged here. If you have a chance, come and attack us. There's no chance. When our Fahrenheit immortal array runs well, he can stay away.

"But if our Fahrenheit immortal array is pushed close enough to the protective formation below, and it will pose a threat to his Chongxiao Pavilion, it will be different.

"Because he has to worry about us attacking the Chongxiao Pavilion defense array below. In order to prevent this, he had to be vigilant all the time, and then, even if he had to, he had to have a real face-to-face fight with us fairies. And as long as we can force him to have a real head-on match, that's enough for us Fahrenheit fairy. With so many of us, can't we win Lin Tianyu in front of us?

"So, whether we are close or not, that's two different concepts."

Listening to Hua Yi's words, Huayi's people were stupefied involuntarily.

After all, Huayi now arranges tasks, which represents that the ancestors of Fahrenheit are exercising power. In their hearts, although they can look down upon Hua Yi. However, they did not dare to look down on the ancestors of Fahrenheit.

Just now, they dare to shout so casually.

Because what they are facing is Huayi.

But now, Hua Yi is angry.

They can not help but think of another identity that Huayi represents now -

represents the status of Huayi to exercise power.

Therefore, the scene was obviously stunned for a long time.

Then, the immortal Fahrenheit, as far as possible, was no longer as hot as before: "but, Huayi, although you have some truth. But besides, isn't there a better way? "

Hua Yi gave a cold smile and said, "the better way you said is that we should concentrate the afterforce now to attack the big protective array of Chongxiao Pavilion below."

Hua Yi's sneering posture has a kind of upper class bearing. He also clearly understood that he represented another important identity, so his attitude and expression were more and more leisurely.