Chapter 1480

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Want to go!

It's not that easy!

As a result, these fahrenhei immortals, who had been suppressed and beaten just now, pursued and killed all of them as soon as they were ready to flee back to the protective array. And when they are ready to pursue, of course, they can't keep the perfect and complete arrangement of Fahrenheit immortal array. Even if they still follow the layout of Fahrenheit immortal array, and then launch a pursuit, but in this fast pursuit, the array is naturally more and more loopholes.

However, in the heart of the Fahrenheit people at the moment, this is nothing to do with it.

Because they have fully understood the strength of Heidao Laozu and others.

In addition to the black sword ancestor, a single Fahrenheit immortal may be in danger when facing a battle. The rest of the monks, no matter who they were, any one of them alone, could handle it. Therefore, during this pursuit, there were five Huashi immortals, which was just the layout of Huashi immortal array, and pursued the ancestor of Heidao. The rest of the Fahrenheit immortals are those who pursue the other friars in Tianquan land.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in the sight of these pursuing Fahrenheit immortals.

Then, there was a black sword shining. The black sword light first went to the five Huashi immortals who had arranged the array shape. Almost in the blink of an eye, the five Fahrenheit immortals, who had kept the array shape, were already in the blink of the black sabre. All of them fell down. Moreover, the five immortals of Fahrenheit were all killed by the black knife light, which directly broke their spirits. And until this time, those fahrenhei immortals who started to pursue the ancestors of black Dao could see clearly the figure surrounded by the light of black sword.

That's Lin Tianyu!

Lin Xianyu is not trapped in the building all the time?

His strength, which is also clearly affected by the last loss of serious impact, can no longer play a normal. The sabre skill of waving and chopping is obviously weak. Is that power, even almost all under the cultivation of Yuanying?

But now, why did he suddenly come out of the Fahrenheit immortal array, and then suddenly appeared here, impeding them to pursue Heidao Laozu and others. Then, he made such a terrible sword.

Even, the sword technique that he just waved and chopped is clear. It seems that it is much more powerful than the last time he waved it to deal with the Fahrenheit immortal array, or even two Huashi immortal arrays.

What's going on?

Is it still because of the serious loss of the last time that Lin Tianyu has not recovered completely?


How can suddenly, this is originally by them completely not optimistic about, even, has been when the bag of things Lin Tianyu, suddenly become so powerful. Even, it's a group that killed them directly.

No matter what you think.

The remaining living Huashi immortal people have no other thoughts. They try to find a way to arrange the Fahrenheit immortal array first. Maybe they can have a little chance in the hands of such a powerful Lin Tianyu.