Chapter 1520

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
All of a sudden, those once had all kinds of doubts of Tianquan friars, one by one passionate.

After all, just in front of him, Lin Tianyu's sudden killing really scared these Huashi fairies. They were in the sky, originally intended to attack the protection array on the mainland. But now, it's like a bunch of quails who are scared out of their wits. Only dare to chirp there, and no longer dare to rush to the protective array below.

This made the friars on the Tianquan land, who had been frightened and stunned by the power of the immortal people, were not satisfied.

At the same time, the place where Lin Tianyu is located is also on the Tianquan continent. All the people are in the mood of pilgrimage and pay attention to him. However, Lin Tianyu's eyes are swept up to the sky, where the Huashi immortals gather. There is a faint worry in his eyes.

Lin Tianyu turned around and looked at Chi remote next to him and said, "great Xia Chi, do you think that the immortal people of Fahrenheit will retreat at this point, or will they continue to entangle with us?"

Pool remote at this time, is also looking at the sky above, way: "all possible."

Lin Tianyu asked, "Oh, how did you say that?"

"They're still in that place, obviously, because they haven't decided what to do," Chi said.

"Well, there must be two voices.

"What's more, these two kinds of sounds must be equal to each other in order to achieve such an effect.

"So now, there is a stalemate. Finally, the orientation of action. In this state of stalemate, we should see which kind of thought can prevail in an all-round way. If the idea of continuing to attack our heavenly power land has the upper hand, they, the fairies of Fahrenheit, are bound to attack us immediately. If the retreating thought takes the upper hand, it is very likely that in a flash, all of these Fahrenheit immortals will break their own cultivation restrictions and fly to the fairyland.

"Now, at such a critical moment, sometimes, what really plays a decisive role is even a certain idea that can be accepted by all."

Although Chi remote said here, he didn't directly say who would win in the end.

But Lin Tianyu has completely understood.

At the same time, Lin Tianyu's heart longed that these Fahrenheit immortals had the best to suddenly and completely give birth to the same idea, and then, one after another, flew to the fairyland.

Although up to now, the previous battles have always been dominated by friars on the Tianquan continent. But if it really goes on fighting like this, even these Fahrenheit immortals are really afraid of a figure on the Tianquan continent. But when they really fight to such a point, they will certainly take risks and directly attack the protective array below.

At that time, Lin Tianyu and other top monks on Tianquan mainland had to fight with the Huashi immortals in front of them.

In this way, not only the friars on Tianquan land will be damaged. Even if the protective array is broken, these low-level friars and ordinary people in the formation will be brutally slaughtered.