Chapter 1642

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Of course, in order to achieve such an effect, it must have been dragging Lin Tianyu. To make him have no possibility at all, and to leave their frontal attack.

If we want to do this, we have to form a big enough threat to the protective array below.

Only if the threat to the protective array below is big enough, can Lin Tianyu be limited to the front and block them, and dare not to let go of the front blocking.

When this decision was made, the Huashi Xianren were in addition to Lin Tianyu. Other places, too, have launched more violent attacks.

In this wave of attacks, the friars on Tianquan land stepped back again. At the same time, with this continuous attack, the friars on the mainland side of Tianquan finally began to suffer casualties again and again. But even if the monks on the mainland side of Tianquan paid the price of casualties again and again, they still failed to stop the attack of these Fahrenheit immortals. With the attack of the Huashi Xianren, they were finally completely close to this protective array. At this time, there are also fairies of Fahrenheit who mercilessly attacked the protective array of the heavenly power continent.

Boom, boom

One attack after another fell on this protective array, which stirred up waves of ripples.

However, after all, in this attack, although this large protective array looks shaky, it may break up at any time. However, it still maintained the last bit of toughness, and it was not broken. However, but again and again let people feel that this big array is wandering on the edge of the broken. As if, also will just in the next moment, is completely broken.

This kind of feeling, let those Fahrenheit fairy people a burst of excitement.

They felt that as long as they had more strength, they would have been able to directly attack and break up this large protective array.

On the other hand, the friars on the Tianquan continent, one by one, have their hearts completely suspended on their heads.

In this kind of time, it's time to fight.

As a result, the friars on the Tianquan land no longer had any hands left, but they all came out with a desperate posture. And in this kind of desperate attack posture, it is also a short time to pull back a little bit of disadvantage, so that those Fahrenheit immortal people have a moment of retreat. But this is obviously just a reflection of the friars in Tianquan.

As soon as the Fahrenheit people retreated, they came back again.

And at this time, for these friars on the Tianquan continent, it also created more powerful pressure.

Lin Tianyu looked at this situation, which was also a roar. When he wielded the sword, except for the track which was not felt by the people of Fahrenheit, his strength increased several times.

Boom Rumble

With the sound of a frontal crash.

The power of Lin Tianyu's Sabre technique is directly under the hard shock of the front, breaking the front Fahrenheit immortal array.