Chapter 1679

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
However, regardless of success or failure, Huashi people were not in a hurry to attack Lin Tianyu at this time.

Because it is completely unnecessary to rush to attack again.

If they succeed, there is no need for them to attack again. What they should consider is how they, the Fahrenheit immortals, should be able to safely escape from the land of this day and return to the fairyland. Therefore, after Lin Tianyu's success, if he attacks the other party, it's really a matter of seeking death.

But if Lin Tianyu fails.

Then, their attacks, earlier or later, have nothing to do with them.

No matter what, the final victory always belongs to them. So why should they observe for a while to determine whether Lin Tianyu succeeded or failed?

At this time, it's not just these Huashi people who are extremely entangled with this issue.

Even the monks on Tianquan land are the same.

Even the friars on Tianquan land were more concerned about the success or failure of Lin Tianyu's breakthrough.

Because Lin Tianyu's success or failure is directly related to the fate that they will face as a whole. It makes them so indifferent.

But they, the friars on the Tianquan continent, can't feel that Lin Tianyu's breakthrough has been successful?

They are equally entangled.

The breakthrough of Yuanying's realm will never be so simple. However, if there is no breakthrough, how can Lin Tianyu's state not decline at all?

This is puzzling.

Similarly, the monks in Tianquan land were not busy with their work at this time.

After all, if Lin Tianyu really made a breakthrough. Then, with the breakthrough of Lin Tianyu, they can hang these Huashi fairies. If Lin Tianyu's breakthrough fails. Even if they do it first now, it doesn't make any sense. Because, in the hard strength above, they are always much worse than the Fahrenheit fairy. In such a state, how can they still deal with the Fahrenheit people? Even if we don't admit defeat and continue to fight, we can't change the final fate.

As a result, these friars from Tianquan mainland also looked at Lin Tianyu with complicated colors.

Finally, a monk said, "master Lin, have you succeeded in your breakthrough?"

As soon as the friar asked this question, he suddenly moved the hearts of all the people. At the scene, all the people were raising their ears and listening carefully to Lin Tianyu's reply. This answer, however, is directly concerned about the outcome of the war. Pay attention to their scene, the fate of all these people involved in this war.

These people are waiting for Lin Tianyu's answer, waiting for such a result, even in their hearts are involuntarily tense.

Lin Tianyu just laughed casually and said, "half and half."

Half a half?

What do you mean?

Is it successful or not?

As a result, everyone looked at Lin Tianyu's eyes, they were full of puzzles, looking forward to Lin Tianyu's answer.