Chapter 1694

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
At this time, the friars in Tianquan, who understood this, all laughed knowingly.

At the same time, those who are rushing to Fahrenheit fairy are also laughing.

Because, at this time, the friars of Tianquan continent could already feel the fate of these Fahrenheit immortals when Lin Tianyu flashed up. But in the same way, these people who are rushing to Fahrenheit see that they are all here. And the friars in Tianquan land below seemed to have no reaction at all. They looked at them stupidly, and they were all happy. If these friars in Tianquan land were frightened and did not launch the most effective defense against them, then they would be much more relaxed when they started to fight.

They even thought of the situation that they rushed to the bottom, and then easily captured the monks in Tianquan.

Puff, puff

At that moment, a series of voices rang out.

With this sound, the Fahrenheit people are still sprinting down. However, immediately, these down rush of the Fahrenheit people have been vaguely felt wrong. Then, quickly stopped the body. Looking back, there are already 20 or 30 people among them, all with their heads on the ground. The soul sea is broken, and they can't die any more.


These fast-moving Fahrenheit people were shocked.

How long has it been? It's only in the blink of an eye. However, their whole group of Huashi immortals had already lost so much at once.

This is -

who is plotting against them.

Then, they just see who is plotting against them.

I saw that the shadow of Lin Tianyu had emerged around those fallen Huashi immortals. Lin Tianyu took a faint look at them, who were still alive in Huashi, and his figure faded again and again until it disappeared.

"Ah! Hide! Set up the formation quickly


There was a great deal of chaos among the Huashi people who rushed over. Then, they quickly began to gather together and began to arrange the array. However, even if the array is arranged in a hurry, what kind of array can be arranged. Moreover, it is often because the more chaotic, the more mistakes will be made. So, before their array was set up, the black Sabre technique flickered among the Fahrenheit immortals.

Puff, puff

A series of sounds sounded.

These Fahrenheit immortals fell down one by one like the harvested rice. Finally, by the time their array was set up, there were only less than 40 of them left. But at this time, even if the array has been arranged. But they just can't make the formation work perfectly. They are now completely terrified. They just thought they didn't rush down. Even, they all thought, in fact, just now, after they went back directly, they should let go of their cultivation and fly directly to the fairyland.

There is endless regret in their hearts now. Why do you want to rush down and think about fighting the devil again.

Don't they want to die by themselves?