Chapter 1709

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Everybody turned around and thought over and over.

In the end, there is only one truth that can make sense.

Because if it's not the evil.

It is impossible for any reason to explain the kind of thing just now.

But if it's evil.

What kind of evil did these ancestors of Fahrenheit just now?

Everyone was also carefully discussing and discussing the matter. At the same time, he was full of awe for the evil just now. And those Huashi fairies are also at this moment, full of awe for the heavenly power continent. They all feel that after they return to the fairyland this time, in the days to come, in any case, they will never step into this day's power continent.

While the monks in Tianquan land were talking about it, Heidao Laozu only took a deep look at Lin Tianyu above the sky, and did not participate in the discussion among the Huashi immortals.

At this time, the monks on the Tianquan land saw the appearance of the ancestor of black sword.

Then, a friar asked, "ancestor Heidao, do you have any different views on the war just now?"

The ancestor of black knife turned back and said, "I have a little bit of my own opinion. I think, just now, it's not those Huashi ancestors who deliberately gave Lin Tianyu some advice. Just now, their ancestors of Fahrenheit should have been forced to do so

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

Sure enough, just now, it was these old ancestors of Fahrenheit who were possessed of evil spirits. Therefore, they are forced to give Lin Tianyu such a feeding move.

At this time, however, the ancestor of Heidao didn't notice everyone's expression, and continued: "in fact, just now, it should be after Lin Tianyu's knife, those Huashi ancestors had to resist like this."

Have to resist like this?

A monk was puzzled and said, "ancestor Heidao, are you saying these moves just now by those ancestors of Fahrenheit? In fact, they are still passively resisting Lin Tianyu's Sabre technique.

"But that's not right.

"Just now, we can see clearly and clearly the sword technique that Lin Tianyu used. Just like a child Anyway, it's just like that. I'm afraid any one of us can easily get rid of it. How could their powerful ancestors of Fahrenheit still be trapped by such sabres and had to resist with such moves?

"It doesn't make sense.

"What's more, even if it's to resist this sabre, there are too many martial arts skills that can be used. Why, their ancestors of Fahrenheit are all in a state of mind, but they have to resist with such a stifling and unyielding move, which can be regarded as a dying move? "

When the friar said so, the other monks nodded.

Indeed, is that the truth?

With a better way to solve the problem, we have to use this kind of move which can be called death to resist.

Are they all stupid?

Although the words of Heidao ancestor have a lot of weight. But this is obviously wrong, that is not to blame them to refute.