Chapter 1714

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Lin Tianyu took a close look at these Huashi ancestors and Huashi immortals, and then he laughed casually.

Ha ha

What about fairies?

As long as you dare to lower the boundary, to this day the power of the mainland to make trouble, you will be put in order.

Thinking about it, Lin Tianyu finally waved his hand, as if driving flies, and said: "go back to the fairyland yourself. In the future, we should remember that we should not go to the Tianquan land of the lower boundary to make trouble, otherwise, we will die. "

Hearing Lin Tianyu say so, Huashi Laozu and Huaxian people are happy.

Obviously, Lin Tianyu is not going to continue to worry about this matter with them, but is ready to let them go back to the fairyland.

As a result, they did not stop at all. Then, they all quickly released their cultivation. After a while, they could feel the world pressure from the heavenly power continent, oppressing them and squeezing them out of this continent. In a short time, they will completely break away from the lower world of the mainland, and directly fly back to the fairyland.

They are finally able to get out of this land that they fear.

At the thought of this, all the living Huaxian people have a kind of joy after the disaster.

At this time, the Huaxian people who just had the power of repulsion discovered that Lin Tianyu suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood under them, and then fell to the ground.

What's going on?

All the people were stunned.

Those friars on the Tianquan continent rushed to show the quickest body method and rushed to the sky where Lin Tianyu was. Regardless of how to say, now, Lin Tianyu is obviously suffering from a very serious injury. Although now, these Fahrenheit immortals are opening up their cultivation, and they are also excluded by the power of the world on the mainland of that day. What if Lin Tianyu had been seriously injured? No one will hurt Lin Tianyu any more.

But, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

If these Huashi immortals, who have been excluded, can still reverse the power of exclusion, they will come back and kill Lin Tianyu. With Lin Tianyu's current state, it is impossible to have the slightest resistance. Therefore, all the friars of Tianquan continent rushed to Lin Tianyu. They must protect Lin Tianyu, who has been so seriously injured.

Because if those Fahrenheit immortals really turn back, they will not be able to resist those Fahrenheit fairies after killing Lin Tianyu and relying on their other friars in the heavenly power continent.

At the same time, these friars in Tianquan land were all hesitant.

Look at Lin Tianyu's appearance just now. It's still good. What's more, when I saw Lin Tianyu's power to kill those Huashi ancestors in front of me, it was really unbeatable.

What's the matter? It's only a little longer, and then suddenly there's such a deterioration that the injury is so hard to recover.

This is really strange.

Besides, even if Lin Tianyu is seriously injured, when it comes to the time when it is bound to break out, he has to bear it again.

Just a little longer, until these Fahrenheit fairies have gone. At that time, will there be no more threats?