Chapter 1727

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
The ancestor of the blood evil clan nearby knew that if he was allowed to ask about it, he would never be able to ask clearly.

Then another ancestor of the blood evil sect said, "third, don't talk. Let me ask about it. "

Then, the old ancestor said, "you tell me all about this matter from the beginning to the end, and you want to make it clear to me. No details should be left out. "

When hearing this old ancestor say so, the people of the blood evil sect finally gave a breath.

If you let the ancestor of the acute son continue to ask, they may never be clear about this matter. Now, I can make it clear.

Finally, an immortal of the blood evil gate explained the matter from the beginning.

When this was finished, the ancestor of xuesha sect, an acute son, said, "sure enough, it is a man from the land of heaven who has killed so many of the immortal of xuesha sect. Good! Great! Even a small person in the lower boundary dares to humiliate our blood evil gate like this? We have to take revenge on this. All of you will listen to the order, and then you will go to our blood evil sect and gather together ten thousand elite disciples of the blood evil sect and follow me to Tianquan land. This time, we will not only wipe out all the friars on Tianquan land, but also blow up the planet of Tianquan into powder. "

Said, this acute son's blood Sha door ancestor a wave, immediately will launch the action.

At this time, several other ancestors of the blood evil clan rushed to stop him and said, "third, you have to think about it. That's the heaven power land of the lower boundary. Once you are on the Tianquan land of the lower boundary, you will be suppressed by the heaven power land of the lower boundary. With your accomplishments, I'm afraid you can't make a good deal on the Tianquan land of the lower bound. "

Listening to the other ancestors said so, the Third Elder's anger is down some, the brain slowly recovered a trace of calm.

Indeed, in the lower world, his cultivation will be suppressed to the immortal. But the other person was able to wave his hand, that is, he sent the immortal of the blood evil gate to drop nine floors directly, and the remaining one was just to let them come up to give a warning, which was to save their lives. Such strength, he went to the lower bound, it is also the behavior of looking for death.

Thinking of this, the third hesitated for a moment, and suddenly said, "no! I still have a way. I want to completely open up the passage between the fairyland and the right continent of this day. Let the immortal spirit of the fairyland be instilled into the heaven power land of the lower world. At that time, I will be able to lead the immortals of the blood evil gate down and kill them all

In fact, this completely opened the way. It's a very overbearing way.

How to hear, let the immortal spirit infuse to the lower bound of the heaven power land above. It seems that it is a good thing for the lower bound because of the immortal spirit.

It's not.

The channel they got through was just to instill a little bit of immortal spirit into the lower world, so as to ensure that the immortals of the lower world could barely maintain their realm.

Then, those people in the lower world can't get much benefit because they don't get enough immortal Qi. However, these people, from now on, in the eyes of those fairyland fairies, will be robbed by the fairyland immortals and become slaves, doing coolies, prospecting, and even being played with.

That situation is much more miserable than the simple lower continent.