Chapter 1742

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
The tenth day is a good day.

Lin Tianyu's interrupted wedding was scheduled for that day.

The wedding scene, because of the war, became more heated. It was not affected at all by the war. On the contrary, because Lin Tianyu was the hero of the war, there were many more people coming to celebrate the wedding than expected. In the end, even the surrounding area of Chongxiao Pavilion is not enough. Then, all along the mountain of Chongxiao Pavilion, it extends to the outside, and all of them are served with banquets.

In fact, in such a banquet, there are many people who can't even see Lin Tianyu's face.

But all of us still feel clearly the glory and happiness. Because, they came to attend the wedding ceremony of Lin Tianyu, a hero in Tianquan mainland. As long as they go back, they can boast for a lifetime in their small forces. Of course, when it comes to bragging, they will never say the wedding scene because there are too many people. Even on the mountain outside, there are banquet places. They are arranged in the outer area. As a result, from the beginning of the wedding to the end of the wedding, in fact, they did not even see the real Lin Pavilion owner.

Because they were all practitioners, there was no such red tape as many secular people. Keep it simple. There will not be too many complicated ceremony, not a long time, this wedding is all completed.

However, at this time, it was suggested that Lin Tianyu dance a knife technique to show everyone.

All of them know Lin Tianyu's Sabre skill, which is really superb. The power of his sword technique can not be seen by them. However, if you think about it in the future, when you talk about it to others, they have seen Lin Tianyu dance swords for them with their own eyes. That's a matter of great face.

As a result, as soon as someone suggested so, others all agreed.

Originally, in such a wedding, it's really not suitable for knife dancing. After all, knives are lethal weapons. It's not appropriate to dance at weddings.

Lin Tianyu originally planned to refuse these people.

However, when Lin Tianyu refused, he was just ready to say it. Suddenly, he was moved in his heart. He had a vague feeling, as if he would have a very special harvest if he danced the knife in such a situation. It seems that after this dance, his Dao can be directly and again promoted to a higher level.

But is it possible?

His Dao Dao has reached the peak of the third step. If you are promoted to a higher level, you will not be promoted to the fourth step.

Step four and step three are totally different in essence.

Once his Dao Dao Dao is promoted to the fourth step of perfection, his combat power will at least increase by dozens of times.

Is it true that you will be promoted directly in a simple dance?

Lin Tianyu himself felt incredible.

But this feeling, he did not want to let it annihilate.