Chapter 1753

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
So, when Lin Tianyu again wielded the sword technique, he was in his heart, thinking hard.

Although by now, the feeling of this breakthrough is becoming more and more intense, almost only one step, no, half step, or even one tenth step, and it is still closer. Therefore, he could not bear to give up the feeling of breaking through. However, he was still unable to directly break through the success. Therefore, when he is trying to exert his Sabre skill, running the skill and seeking a breakthrough, he is also trying to think about it. I wonder if I have made a mistake.

Otherwise, it will be so short. He has a clear direction.

Why can't he directly break through?

Thinking, continue to break through.

But in this time, with deep thinking, Lin Tianyu felt something wrong.

In front of him, he was a little short.

At that time, he couldn't break through. That's because he can clearly feel that he has not fully grasped the direction of the breakthrough. In his heart, it is very clear, as long as he can really grasp the direction of the breakthrough. Then, he can easily break through that line of distance.

Therefore, before again and again to wave the knife method, looking for that direction, that kind of breakthrough feeling.

Even for hundreds of thousands of times, Lin Tianyu was not willing to give up. He has been looking for the direction and feeling of that breakthrough. Because, his heart is very clear, as long as he can find, then the next moment, he is able to break through success.

Because this kind of breakthrough is not exactly the same as the realm of cultivation.

This is a kind of his own Dao. This last trace, as long as he finds that direction and feeling, his breakthrough will be very simple. Because, he will not be limited to, such as lack of aura, and so on.

Lin Tianyu has also been looking for it without giving up.

Finally, when he took another step, and the difference was only a fraction of the distance left, he was lucky to grasp the direction and seek the feeling of impending breakthrough. He felt like he was about to break through. However, such a clear feeling has already appeared. But it must have been so long for him. There is still no direct breakthrough.

It made him completely confused.

It was so close to the breakthrough that he understood.

But what he didn't understand was that it was just a little bit short. Then, at this time, he firmly grasped the direction and feeling of the breakthrough. Why, when he continued to strive for such a breakthrough and such a long time passed, how could he still not make a complete breakthrough?

It's just wrong.

If it's just a little bit short, if he hasn't found the direction and feeling of breakthrough, maybe it's just such a little bit that he can be trapped for a long time, which he can understand.

But now the key is that he has clearly grasped the direction and feeling of the breakthrough. Why, it's been so long. He is still a little bit less than that, and it is still impossible for him to make a breakthrough.

He didn't understand at all.