Chapter 1837

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
All of a sudden, a sudden burst of drinking rang out.

"Who killed my descendants of Du family?"

With the sound of drinking, a level of pressure has completely exceeded the cultivation level of these people who just passed through, and rolled towards them.

Talking about this person, it is the Du family that third grade later body repair ancestor.

The reason why so many people appear on the scene is that they are here. It's also related to the ancestor of Du family.

This place was also the place where the Shenwu land sent out to the group of people from Tianquan land to cross the void passage. Here, it is also connected with the Tianquan continent. If you want to get to Tianquan continent, you can only start it in a special way in this place, and then you can cross to Tianquan continent.

Just like Tianquan land, if you want to cross to Shenwu land.

Only in front of him, Lin Tianyu led these people through the place. Start in a special way, you can cross it.

Since those people in front of Shenwu land crossed to Tianquan land, there have been people guarding this place all the time.

Of course, even if it's guarded here.

It can't be that there are powerful figures like Du's ancestors who are guarding here.

However, just a few days ago, Du's ancestors suddenly felt something. I felt that he had a descendant of Tianquan land who was killed suddenly. Then, the father of the Du family immediately led several of his family's cronies and rushed to this place directly.

This kind of induction of Du's ancestors is not purely the cause of cultivation.

There should be some other reasons for the unknown.

And also in the Du family because of this feeling, and arrived here. At the same time, the Mo family, which has been paying close attention to the Du family, as well as some of the families that once sent people to Tianquan land, also got the message. Or, it can be said that there is a sense. Then, it is also the fastest speed, rushed to here.

It is precisely because of this that when Lin Tianyu and all of them have gone out of the void channel, they will see so many top masters gathered here.

The Du family ancestor's this violent drink, as well as that momentum and pressure down.

Let these people who come through here dare not say more than half a word.

Then, the father of the Du family said, "OK! Since you don't say it, take it all back to my Du's house. When things are clear, you will be released from Du's. Don't worry, as long as there is no one who has anything to do with the killing of the descendants of the Du family, I will never make it difficult for you. "

The father of the Du family said that he winked at the relatives who followed him.

That means that they should hurry to take these people back to Du's house.

"Du Zu, it's not appropriate for you to do so."

At the time when the Du family were about to start, one of them stood up and raised a voice of opposition.

Du Zu said: "Oh, Mo Zu, do you want to object to my Du family's investigation of the murder of their descendants?"

"I dare not."

Mo Zu said: "I will not stop Du Zu from investigating the murder of Du's descendants. However, if we just want to find out the matter, we don't have to take these people back to Du's house, do we?

"Now, everyone is here.

"They must have seen it with their own eyes.

"Well, it's OK to investigate the scene directly?

"Why take them all to Du's house?"